Sunday, May 30, 2010
We have MacRae park reserved on 05/30/2010 from approximately 4:30 to 9:00 PM. The address is: MacRae Park, 2000 SW 9th St, Des Moines, IA. Food and beverage (alcoholic and non) will be provided. We will also be having a silent auction with some very awesome items. We will have some yard games there however if you have your own please feel free to bring them if you would like. Come on out and help surprise Brian! We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sorry it has been to long
I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to post an update on Brian, it was FINALS week so I was slightly busy (I'm DONE for a few weeks YIPPIE). Fortunately everything has been going awesome. He has completed round 2 and is just trying to recover. He has some long bone pain, a side effect from his immune system booster shot, but we have been very proactive to control it (lesson learned from round 1).
Brian's white blood cell count was still in the normal range so we were able to go out and celebrate with all my classmates! Brian seems to be constantly hungry (which is good) and he has random cravings (I call them his pregnancy cravings) so we are really trying to push small healthy meals for him so that when he does eat he is getting a lot of nutrients.
Brian keeps seeing people sporting his bands...he keeps asking about them but we have told them it is an IOWA football thing. He then asked why they football team has the same saying as him....
We can't wait to see you all next weekend and I can't wait to surprise Brian with family and friends who are behind him and cheering him on during his fight!
Here are some pictures so far!
This is a picture of his right arm where the main tumor is. It was originally the size of a softball and prior to round 2 our oncologist said it was maybe the size of a small walnut. So we know the chemo is working. The incision is where he had his biopsy to confirm what type of lymphoma.

Brian's white blood cell count was still in the normal range so we were able to go out and celebrate with all my classmates! Brian seems to be constantly hungry (which is good) and he has random cravings (I call them his pregnancy cravings) so we are really trying to push small healthy meals for him so that when he does eat he is getting a lot of nutrients.
Brian keeps seeing people sporting his bands...he keeps asking about them but we have told them it is an IOWA football thing. He then asked why they football team has the same saying as him....
We can't wait to see you all next weekend and I can't wait to surprise Brian with family and friends who are behind him and cheering him on during his fight!
Here are some pictures so far!
This is a picture of his right arm where the main tumor is. It was originally the size of a softball and prior to round 2 our oncologist said it was maybe the size of a small walnut. So we know the chemo is working. The incision is where he had his biopsy to confirm what type of lymphoma.
Thank you all for everything. Please continue to pray for us as it will be a long journey. Also, keep sending those cards...BRIAN LOVES THEM.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Hello! To those who have already donated via check and Paypal, THANK YOU!!! We got together tonight do stuff/address envelopes and will be mailing them tomorrow to those who have donated. We still have a lot of bands that will be showing up at Wells Fargo, Des Moines University and a few other locations so please feel free do donate on the spot or go on to the site. We have raised a lot of money that is going to help The Pritchards pay for their medical bills. We take possession of the park at 4PM and welcome anyone to arrive at that time or later. Brian will unknowingly be showing up at 5:00 PM with a convincing story that Stacey will make up. The surprise party: Date: Sunday, May 30, 2010 Time: 4:30pm - 9:00pm Location: MacRae Park (Des Moines, IA) Street: 2000 SW 9th St City/Town: Des Moines, IA We have indoor/outdoor space reserved so we will be partying rain or shine! In addition to yard games and fun, food and beverages (wine/beer & non alcoholic) will be provided. Please feel free to bring any yard games you have and any side dishes (think potluck) will be welcomed but definitely not required. We have no idea how many people will show up but we will ensure that everyone has a good BBQ style meal and plenty of beverage. There will be a silent auction of miscellaneous items that are being brought by family and friends of The Pritchards. We look forward to seeing you there! Please feel free to reply to this message or email ( if you have any questions. Thanks again! -Friends of The Pritchards
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Not much new news!
Brian has still been maintaining high spirits, as long as he is not in PAIN! Last week he experienced some side effects from the chemo and was in some discomfort. However, he recovered well this weekend and enjoyed a quick, early morning trip to the farmers market. He tried to sneak in a BBQ pulled pork sandwhich from his favorite vendor but got caught by his nurse who administers his immune system shot. She happens to be married to Uncle Wendell who makes the best BBQ pulled pork according to Brian. She told him it was OK and even gave him permission to sample wine at the market, perhaps to many samples!
Last night we took the plunge and completely shaved his head. Brian was frustrated that every time he turned his head hair would fall everywhere. He told me he was really doing it for the janitor at work because he had a huge mess at his desk. I on the other hand think he just got lazy and didn't want to wash his hair anymore, HAHA! No, but I told him to use that excuse at work.
Brian goes back in to the doctor on Friday morning and as long as his counts are up he will be admitted back to Methodist for round 2 of chemo.
I'm (with the help of my sister) putting together a book for Brian along with a play list for his ipod. If you wish to contribute please send me a message with a note to Brian (such as a fun time you had with him, something about him, etc. we want everything to be peppy and have good memories as Brian hates dwelling and people telling him sorry for his news!). With the message please provide a song title and artist of a song that reminds you of him or a time you had with him. The book is almost complete and we want to give it to him on Friday so please hurry!!
Just post a comment with the information and I will get it!
Thanks for all the support Brian and I are truly blessed!
Last night we took the plunge and completely shaved his head. Brian was frustrated that every time he turned his head hair would fall everywhere. He told me he was really doing it for the janitor at work because he had a huge mess at his desk. I on the other hand think he just got lazy and didn't want to wash his hair anymore, HAHA! No, but I told him to use that excuse at work.
Brian goes back in to the doctor on Friday morning and as long as his counts are up he will be admitted back to Methodist for round 2 of chemo.
I'm (with the help of my sister) putting together a book for Brian along with a play list for his ipod. If you wish to contribute please send me a message with a note to Brian (such as a fun time you had with him, something about him, etc. we want everything to be peppy and have good memories as Brian hates dwelling and people telling him sorry for his news!). With the message please provide a song title and artist of a song that reminds you of him or a time you had with him. The book is almost complete and we want to give it to him on Friday so please hurry!!
Just post a comment with the information and I will get it!
Thanks for all the support Brian and I are truly blessed!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
These things came from Hong Kong to Des Moines in about a day! To those who have donated and have received and responded to our email asking for your band size/count - you will receive a yellow envelope sometime next week. To those who have been holding out for one of these awesome bands in person, expect to see them at your place of work or school soon. We're requesting $5.00 a band donation however no donation is too small. Thanks everyone for your given and continued support! We should have some solid details to the fundraiser/party soon so keep checking this site and expect a facebook message within a week. - Friends of the Pritchards.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
PLEASE KEEP EVERYTHING A SECRET: Brian, if you're reading this, quit reading this....
Brian sent Stacey an email today asking, "Did you make a website about me or something?" I am not sure how that story ended but we're playing dumb! We received a notice that our wristbands, although in Hong Kong, should arrive to Des Moines this week! We're very excited. We have also booked a Des Moines Park Pavillion for May 30th - more to come on that as well!
Thanks everyone.
Thanks everyone.
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