Saturday, January 29, 2011

As I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death...

...I shall fear no evil because God is with me (23rd Psalm) It is a beautiful verse from the Bible. I have found over the last week though it is much easier to read it than to be the one walking in the Valley. I had a CT scan done when they were looking for the source of my fevers and they found that my cancer has spread yet again. It is in my spleen, parts of my liver and in my bone marrow. Things are really going down hill quickly and I'm scared. Mortality is a very tough thing to face for anyone and I am right in the middle of it. We are trying one last Chemotherapy drug but it is a long shot. I have literally done every drug that modern medicine has to offer and nothing is working properly. We may try some alternate medication options just to see what they do.

I pretty much constant fevers but they seem to be getting slightly better. I go in every day to the infusion center and get blood products as needed. Yesterday was a really rough day. I had high fevers and just basically slept all day. I got lots of sleep and I am feeling better today. Hopefully this continues today. My parents are going to be in town today so I want to have a good day.

Since all of this has come at our family so fast I has been hard to take it all in. I have been praying a lot and Stacey reads me scriptures too. I would like to hear from friends and family via email - or text messages or cards. I would love it if you would send me favorite memories that we may have shared, favorite scriptures or if my journey has helped you in anyway. Please send these out to me it would really mean a lot for someone who is just in need of a smile or some hope.

God Bless You All,

Brian Pritchard


  1. A e-mail was just sent. I will do my best to send you a note everyday. You and Stacey have so inspired me with your positive attitudes through out this journey you are on. Hang on to hope, miracles do happen and I'll be praying for the same for you. You are so loved Brian for just being you. YOU ARE A AWESOME PERSON!

    lOVE TO ALL,

    Cousin Bridgett

  2. We have never meet but I have been following your story since I saw it on the local news. I have also seen a few of your bracelets being worn by some of your supporters. We do have one thing in common and that is our passion for the Hawkeyes! You are in our families thoughts and prayers. Keep up the fight even at this very tough time!
    Waukee, IA

  3. I have received request for your blog today and I am forwarding the same. Lots of love.


  4. God Bless you Brian and Stacey. You have both given me so much to think about and upbeat messages that have helped me through my cancer journey also. God has the ability to heal you so keep praying. I hope you find the extra strength you need by being with your wonderful parents today. Their loving kindness would be just what you need I'd expect. You're in our prayers always. God's love and ours, Jay and JoAnn Clausen

  5. Brian, you are such an inspiration. You handle this with such grace and faith. I know there's a Plan for you and Stacey. Love to you both.
    Aunt Wendy in California

  6. Brian, Keeping you in our prayers that you may continue to fight the good fight with the Lord by your side.

    Gary and Connie Tisl (We live behind your parents.)

  7. Hello Brian,
    This is Cyndi again...(friend of your mom's) I started reading your post shortly after your mom had told me about your blog. There have been times when I've come to see if you have any new posts and there is always something there that helps me...funny, I read your posts and wonder what to say to you and you end up helping me instead.
    Your courage to share your story with so many people inspired me to start my own. One Day At A Time

    Fight! Fight! Fight! Until the Game is Won !

    Keeping you and your family in my prayers

  8. You have done so much for so many.
    You are a hero!
    We will keep praying for the miracles!
    Uncle Denny and Aunt Amy

  9. Good-Morning Brian and Stacey! I hope this finds that you were able to enjoy a wonderful time with your parents. I see by your messages you have touched others lives beside my own with your courage and faith. I just chatted with a young man in my life whom is over in Afghanistan and he wamts me to send your blog to him. I am going to do so when I finish this note. His name is Sean and he will send you a note also. Keep fighting Brian and I'll check in with you tomorrow. Love to you and all!

    Cousin Bridgett

  10. Brian-
    I was your wife's CI at Riverside. While I hope I taught her a thing her two, she taught me more than I could possibly put into words. Getting to know you through her and through your blog has changed me as well. Your courage, faith and strength is such an inspiration. You have both demonstrated maturity beyond your years under such great physical and emotional pressure. While we search for answers, you have taught me to put my trust in God and know that he has plans for us greater than we could ever imagine. You have taught me to focus on what really, family and friends. You have taught me that no matter what personal struggles we might be dealing with, we still have the opportunity to reach out to others.
    Riverside is hosting another blood drive in your honor on Thursday. Three people that have never before donated, have been inspired by you and signed up. You have also inspired many Cyclone fans (myself included) to wear the black and gold in honor of you! I pray that you and Stacey find peace and comfort. I pray that the fevers subside and you are able to enjoy the time with family and friends. I pray that you both are aware of all the love and support that surrounds you from family and friends. I continue to pray for a miracle for an incredible guy and his amazing wife!
    Cindy Mather

  11. Brian,
    You are God's workmanship, created to do Christ's works before the foundations of the world...God knew you would be at this spot in your life and He knew you would be doing this blog even before blogging was invented!
    What an opportunity to share your story and encourage others thru your strength and trust, but also to challenge others to see their own mortality and consider their relationship with the Lord!
    Soon you may be dancing with the angels and learning from Jesus Himself what your journey was all about...continue to trust Him to care for your wife and family...He will then say "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"

  12. My Friend Brian,
    I found the perfect card to send you. It made me laugh and I hope it makes you laugh too. Try some chicken noodle soup this time....or maybe a frosty would be better. The chocolate frosty rocks. Sending all our best wishes and happy thoughts to you.
    Lots of love!
    Your friend, Ryan

  13. On my knees praying!! We love you both so much! It's hard to find the words to explain what you mean to us- or to find the words to explain with what you've taught us. Keep smiling. We love you!
    Mandi & Andrew

    Ps. Be checking your mailbox for a few things... including a really hot indian at our wedding! ;)

  14. "To love another person is to see the face of God"... (Les Miserables)

    Brian and Stacey,
    Hold that gaze on one another.


  15. Brian & Stacey,
    The way you've handled what has been dealt to you has been so inspiring. Your spirit has shined through it all..My thoughts, my heart, and my love is with you and Stacey...Have faith, have strength, have courage...Your in my thoughts and prayers...:)

  16. Brian & Stacy,

    I'm empowered by your strength & your will to not give up during this time. I once heard that yes, everyone does have an expiration date, but NO ONE gets to tell you when it is. Keep fighting, & enjoy the little moments.

  17. Thinking of you and praying for you - every day!

    Steff Wilkinson

  18. Brian and Stacey,
    Proverbs 3: 5-6. That was my favorite through all my treatments. HOPE and PRAYER. We are praying for a miracle. Sent you an e-mail.
    Love in Christ, Sherri Squires
