I hate complaining, but I have to complain. One thing that is DRIVING ME INSANE, is the phrase "I can't imagine being in your shoes." If you can't imagine then don't! Don't imagine it, don't make judgements, don't say anything! UGH, that is hard. I hate having this feeling of judgement. I hate having eyes looking at my moves in life. Perhaps, I deserve it because I have a public blog, but it drives me nuts. When is it time to move on? When is it too soon or not soon enough? WHEN? who can answer this? NO ONE. I'm not sure the answer, but I can tell you, live goes one, it has to. My past is my past, everyone has a past. I love my past, but I accept that Brian is not going to walk in the door one day and life is back to its peaceful normalcy. That just isn't going to happen. I can sit at home and hope and pray it does, but it wont. You have to pick up your boot straps and move on. I don't mind talking about Brian but I hate people telling me how 'amazing I am' etc. I hate hearing that. I'm not amazing, I'm pretty sure anyone in that situation would step up to the plate and do everything in their power to help the one they loved. I'm not a super hero, I'm just a wife who took a vow in sickness in health till death do us part. So I followed through on my word.
I wish the roles were reverse. I think Brian would be much better at rebuilding then me. He is naturally an optimistic, friendly, confident person. Before now I've always had school which was a crutch for me. It forced me to have something to do. Now without school (I can only study for so long independently without being forced to by constantly having tests) I find myself yearning for social interactions and outings. I remember when Brian and I first moved here and he was so mad that mediacom didn't carry all the Cubs games he would go to a bar up the street to watch the games. I thought about doing this, but I'm scared. AHHH, what do you do when you walk in and sit down at 5 pm on Wednesday night? Does that make you an alcoholic, even though you really don't want to drink you just hope you can have meaningless conversation with a stranger that will occupy 2-3 hours of your night? Do people then think you've hit the deep end? The hard part for me is at one time I lost my love and graduated- meaning majority of my social circle scattered. This stinks, try rebuilding all that. I didn't think I was an extremely social person but wow have I been proven wrong, this must be what it is like not to have your nose in a book. I enjoyed my time at the hospital because literally I got to do nothing but converse with complete strangers from all planes of life. From this I learned every person comes from a past, as hard as that past is, you have to accept it. I guess I can narrow down my job search...do employers advertise "extremely social business, applicant must enjoy talking?" Funny thing, I only like talking to strangers, I think because I feel like they aren't picking me apart, forming thoughts, saying "i can't imagine being in your shoes." I enjoy meeting a new person, knowing all they know about me is that I'm Stacey. Nothing more, nothing less. I asked my good college friend last night on the phone, if I can just rent a dog to go to the dog park? I feel like that is a good conversation starter, "you have a dog, me too!" While chatting to her, the multi-tasker in me, I was on a bike ride on the bike trail. My friend asked what and how I was doing both. I said, "If I'm lucky I will fall sprain an ankle right in front of cute boy and then he and his big muscles will have to save me and carry me off the trail till a fire truck filled with cute firemen arrive to splint me up." She laughed, I think I have watched way to many lifetime movies, perhaps sitting at a bar is not a bad idea so I don't watch anymore lifetime movies. The other problem I'm facing movies. Man there is a really good IMAX movie about the human body that I want to see. I haven't yet mustered up the guts to go alone. Can you invite strangers to go see movies on the human body with you? Maybe I can pay a person on the street to go with me? Brian would be much better at this, he didn't care how dumb he looked. As once being married I have a new outlook on single people. Brian and I hung out with nothing but single people for the majority of our lives together. We always had our single friends over for dinner or drinks, like constantly, we could have almost had speed dating in our home. However, with all our encounters I never took time to think about what it is was like to be them, to go home to an empty bed, to not have someone to talk to, what do they do at night? It is a completely new world as I have lived two very different ways.
I have to move on, when is it the right time? I think I'm the only person that knows that and can feel that. What everyone else thinks doesn't matter, so don't try to make it matter. I don't have regrets and I don't have a heavy heart. That is enough for me.