Sunday, September 12, 2010


Brian and I made the epic journey to Iowa City for ISU VS Iowa game. This is more then likely the only game we will make this year. So we were sure to enjoy the entire thing. Of course Brian was up at 5 am and had been to Hy-Vee 2 times before I got up.

I stole my sister's camera so we finally have some pictures from our adventure.

Breakfast pizza!

Brian hanging out in his IOWA socks!
Our tailgating crew!

Kick off, Brian was loving life.

We went to the game with Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, they just forgot to get us sideline passes and say hi...
Overall it was a great weekend. This was the earliest Brian went back to work after having chemo...he was tired but overall is feeling great. He said this weekend he just wants to take it all in and enjoy his freedom before he is the hospital for a long time.
We want to remember 9/11 and thank all of you that are serving our country!
Thank you to all our family & friends who stopped by our tailgate to visit Brian (walking around is tiring on him so thanks for coming to him). Thanks to our gracious hosts, the Kasner's, they made our only tailgating experience so much fun!
GO HAWKS!!!!!!


  1. Sweet pictures! It was such a fun weekend with you guys...even if Brian did wake us up at 5:30AM to tailgate for an afternoon game. :)

    Can't wait to see you guys for the Lymphoma Walk this weekend.

    Ohh....and isn't great to live in the Hawkeye State?

  2. Go Hawks!
    Great game. Looks like you had lots of fun!!!
    Miss ya! See ya soon.
    Weather great today - went for a walk -want to
    keep up with ya on Sunday.

    Take care.
    Aunt Rosie
