Saturday, October 30, 2010

The first (wait THIRD) cut is the deepest...

With all that we have been through you would think we would be pros at accepting big news but Thursday's news was a big blow to the head. As with anything you have to go through the 7 stages of healing. Thursday I was at first in slight denial, then numb, then ANGRY (very mad), then bargaining (if we would have gone to the doctor right away we wouldn't be here, etc.) Friday I was slightly depressed/sad all day, then today I was accepting our new route and tonight I'm ready to fight.

On our way to our appointment Thursday Brian and I both cried...out of nerves. On the way home we cried more. Thursday afternoon I cried for HOURS. Finally, Brian convinced me to leave the house...100yards to Panera for food, we quickly returned home. Friday we decided to go out and we went to a movie. Of course I teared up on the way there and the way back but for 2hrs and 30 min both of our minds were off of our situation. Today we woke up the sun was out, I cried once went back to bed, woke up again and decided no more tears lets just FIGHT. Our oncologist called around 11 and after talking to him again I felt comforted, I know he is with us on this journey and he is going to pull out all of the trick plays to help us fight. After talking to him we decided to try going to our cousin's 5 th birthday party. I was really uneasy about seeing people but we went to Target bought a Polly Pocket went to the party and stayed for 6 hours. It was nice to get out and be normal. Plus who can't smile around kids!

* I understand how IOWA felt this week after last week's heart breaker. It was inspiring to see how the team picked their heads up and dominated this week. That is how were are going to approach this new treatment plan. WE WILL WIN, WE WILL DOMINATE IT (I still say if Clayborn and the rest of the D line comes and just stares at Brian's arm it will disappear.)

It is hard when you get news that your treatments aren't working again. Brian rebounded quickly and kept telling me we are going fight. He is amazing. No words can explain how amazing he is. How many people can find out there cancer has spread then turn around and go to Panera look into the salesmen eye smile and say, "hey, have a good day, life is good!"

The hard thing to understand is that we have little control in life. We think we have complete control over everything in our lives but we don't. God does. That is a hard thing to learn. Sure we can control what we spend money on, what we eat for dinner, etc. However, in the grand scheme of things we literally have no control. We have to let go and let God, and that is hard. In the midst of all that we have to realize what we do have control of is our attitude. We can decide to be mad, mean, hostile or we can take the punches roll with tide put a smile on and say hey "just try and ruin my day!" I realize that although we are once again diverted on our path to a cure the towel is not in. I'm going to lift me head up, smile, and fight like HELL. Some days will be hard, some days will be easy but in the end I will not be bitter but enjoy what God has given me and smile.

Attitude is a choice!

Thanks for all your prayers and support. We are so unbelievably lucky to have so many people in our lives to lift us up when we are down and hold our hands during our journey.

Our season is not over...we are just beginning to fight for a SWEET reward!


  1. You two are amazing. You should be so proud of yourselves for staying so strong and fighting HARD! Keep it up, you have a lot of people on your side!!
    Continuing to pray,

  2. God bless you both and your families too! Being a cancer survivor I understand all the emotions and they are all healthy to have. Your attitude is infectious. It is in God's hands and we ALL MUST CONTINUE TO BELIEVE! I wish I could change places with you. You have so much more to offer to this world.

    Praying constantly for you and my love,

    Cousin Bridgett

  3. It was great to see you yesterday. You lift everyone's spirits up by your passion and love. Today we had a shower for minister's daughter and she is the one that wore one of your bracelets I make in support of you at her wedding. See how many people, you've never met you touch and TEACH and that care.
    Service was about
    "Gift of Love". You two have that gift. God Bless. Praying each day.
    Aunt Rosie

  4. Hi Brian and Stacey!

    I hope today is a good day for the two of you and you have had a chance to decide which atep is next in this awful battle that you are facing. I am thinking and praying for you ever so much. stay warm!

    With love,

    Cousin Bridgett

  5. Bless you folks and your loved ones. Our prayers are with you.

    Just got out of the hospital from another round of heart surgery and am sending you my best vibes. Enjoy these beautiful fall days!
