Friday, April 8, 2011

2 months

TWO MONTHS have passed. WOW that is all. It feels like a year. I'm not sure why, but it does.  The memories are starting to fade and I think it is because time is moving to fast.  I miss Brian, I miss his smell, I miss his kisses, I miss his jokes.  I really tried not to focus on it today.  I put it in the back of my mind. 

The craziest thing to me is that people recognize me.  SERIOUSLY.  Three times at the hospital I've had people recognize me and my story.  WEIRD.  I had a lady see my  'Just try and ruin my day' band, look at me- I literally saw the look on her face when she put it together- and say hey you are that girl.  My face turned beat red and I just said ''um, sure."  Another  nurse recognized me and said something to another therapist and I also had a patient recognize it.  HOW CRAZY.  People don't recognize me, they recognize Brian's saying "just try and ruin my day."  I think that is kind of cool.  He is still making a impression even though he has been gone for two months. 

I'm not sure Brian has made connections yet in heaven....the Cubs aren't playing so hot.  Another weekend, hopefully it is nice out so I can enjoy the fresh air. 


  1. Brian would be extremely proud of you we all are.
    Keep doing what you are doing...and keep looking at the stars...there's one twinkling extra bright for you!
    Aunt Amy

  2. Brian's impact will never go away. He was just to awesome to ever be forgotten. Seeing that band on my own wrist every day makes me smile at his memory.
    Maybe the cubs will turn around yet, MLB plays like a 130 games. There is time. Glad to hear all is going well for you in DSM. Take care Stace!


  3. Hi Stacey,
    I heard someone yesterday phrase a cancer someone had as 'at least it's this kind.' Kinda stopped me in my tracks. You and Brian have taught me to never think of the Big C as something to be taken lightly. Even when it sounds like 'at least it's this kind' it's a huge, life changing event. A reminder to all to get those strange, not quite right things checked out! You continue to inspire me so very much. Brian might be your hero, but my money is on you being his! You go girl!
    PS: Did your mom tell you who I am? Allison knows, too! :-)
