Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 1 of being a real functioning adult: complete

Well I have officially settled into my new home, in my new city, and my new job.  That is a lot of new.  I'm wondering what is old in my life?

I  seem to be struggling with the typical things of being in a new city.  For instance, I can't leave my house without a CHARGED Garmin.  UGH.  Just as I think I got the roads figured out I end up on the complete opposite side of town  of where I intended to go.  For some reason the opposite side of town I end up at is next to the Brewer's stadium, perhaps that is a sign for me to go to a game.  The first 15 minutes I was actually alone I realized my sister forgot some things so I met my family half way to return them.  On my way home I thought I left my cell phone in their car so I quickly pulled over to use a pay phone. Yep, a pay phone.  Sadly, I didn't know how to use the pay phone- does the money go in first and you dial or do you dial and then put money in?  This could have been much easier to figure out had the pay phone instructions not been in Spanish.  I wasn't sure how much a pay phone costs, but I figured if Mexico was $.50 then the U.S. had to be less. HA!  I finally got through to my parents after we got over the initial concern why I was calling from a pay phone (I called the exact moment my dad expressed concern about me living here), in a part of town I probably shouldn't be in by myself, we found my cellular device.  Also, my new town should publish a map of all exit/entrance ramps closed on all major highways due to construction, because every ONE I try to use is closed, hence why I'm constantly lost. Furthermore, there is NO super target's in MILWAUKEE. WHAT?  Is that legal? I thought super targets had to be in all areas heavily populated.  YIKES!  I miss Hy-Vee (for those of you not from Iowa, it is the GREATEST grocery story ever).  The local Pick n' Save I would say is a few notches below the friendly smile in every aisle that Hy-Vee offers.  Finally, sidewalks.  Are these just a luxury in Iowa?  Today on my run around my neighborhood I had the pleasure of dodging traffic on the street due to NO SIDEWALKS ANYWHERE.  I'm not sure on the Wisconsin rule of walking on the grass through people's front yard since they don't have sidewalks and the last thing I want is to be trampled by a crazy Packer fan.

Today was day 1 of being a true adult (true adult being I have a real job earning real money with real benefits).  I sat in HR meetings all day, which was enough to make me take a nap tonight.  :)  Tomorrow, more HR, so probably another nap at night.  I'm pretty excited to officially start working with patients as well as meet some co-workers so I have something to look forward to at night other then indulging in a little finance and economic reading for my MHA.

In other news, more JTARMD bands have been ordered due to high demand.  Bad news, they are on back order from Japan.   The latest celebrity Iowan to be sporting these stylish bands is:

Yep, that is PGA golfer and Master winner Zach Johnson.  
Fun fact, Brian won $500 placing a sports bet on him to win the Masters in Vegas.  

Next on the list of JTARMD band wearers is someone from the Cub's,  or Theriot (who formerly played for the Cubbies and was Brian's favorite player.) 

**If you would like a band please email or on the right side of the blog hit donate now to place an order. Bands are $5.  

If you need me, you can find me driving around the streets trying to find my way home!


  1. There is a Hy-Vee on the East Side of Madison, just in case you don't want to drive all the way back to Cedar Rapids to get your fix! :)

  2. Ahhhh how I miss your sarcasm. FYI your two most recent blog posts are too funny. Mainly because I can actually visualize you playing frogger on your walks. Also because I never internally laughed so hard when you called mom from a pay phone at the same time they were crying dropping you off...I appreciate your efforts of creating the worlds longest car ride home from WI.

    On a different note: how do you call from a pay phone?
