Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back To Work, Back To Normalcy

I went back to work today and it was good to see everybody at the office. Today just felt like a regular day at the office and the normalcy is great. Stacey and I do our best to make everyday as normal as possible. It's sometimes tough for me to be at home because when your at home your usually home alone and anyone that knows me knows that I am a very social person. I always feel like I have accomplished something once I go back to work. Also I have a great group of people that I work with so it felt good to get back at it. I didn't even feel very fatigued at all. It was a good day at the office!

Stacey is at night class and has been studying her butt off! Way to go honey! I'm so proud of you! Another one of Stacey's classmates made us supper tonight and again it was delicious and amazing. The DPT11's are great people and great cooks! Thanks to you all. You have helped us so much and we can not thank you enough. Your the best!

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not as tired as I was yesterday and were just praying that this Chemo is the one that works for us. There is some MAC football on tonight and I will probably fall asleep watching that. (I literally will watch any sports that is on TV) Hopefully tomorrow goes as smoothly as today and we can keep the good vibes going the rest of the week!

In other news prayers for my best friend Andrew Smith who shipped out to defend our country last night. Those of you who have had the pleasure of meeting Andrew know what an amazing person he is. I am honored to call him my friend. He is the epitome of selflessness and I am so proud of him and how much courage he has to protect our great nation. Prayers also for Andrew's family and friends we will all miss you until you come back next summer. Godspeed Andrew and may a halo of angels follow you and all of the troops until you all return home safe. Prayers also for Jordan's sister who shipped out this week too. We pray for you all and you have all of our support.

God Is Good Everyday

Brian Pritchard


  1. Always look forward to talking to you on your drive home. Your mom found little oscar under a table cloth in the basement. Remember when we almost left him on vacation, he looked so lonely in the car lights. I still laugh about taking your bike back and the purchase receipt blew out the window. We could just hear your mom say "now what did you do that for" LOL, Love Dad

  2. Hahaha! That was hilarious! Thanks for the reminding me about those stories. Poor little oscar.

    Love Brian

  3. Hey Brian,

    I got to talk to your mom in church Sunday and she was so excited about the article in the Gazette.

    My students are taking the ITEDs this week and I'm using your blog as motivation. Not one student has complained about getting up and taking tests after reading about how excited you are just to "go to work." I just wanted to let you know how many people you are positively influencing.

    Do you remember Slaymaker "going off" in the Urbana gym in that varsity reserve game?

    Do you remember you coming up to my seat on the bus on the way home and thanking me for being so hard on you that entire year of basketball? As a coach there are certain memories that motivate us to try and be better every day, and that is one of them.

    Do you remember where you sat in World History and how much fun that sophomore year was?

    Let me know when you and Bahnsen are ready to do some "Russian Layups" and work on your left hand.

    God Bless,

    K.C. Tupa
