Friday, August 19, 2011

What a WEEK!

Well I for sure had thought/planned to be back on here Sunday night, but life has been a big whirlwind the past week.  Seriously, so much has gone on that I think I need a day of rest.

So without further a-due my weekend consisted of this:

Friday, a friend from school and I went to Kansas City to see Brian's dream.  We went to the Chiefs pre-season game vs. Buccaneers.  Brian was an avid Chiefs fan and thrilled last year when they drafted a former Hawkeye Tony Moeaki.  This year, the same weekend of what would have been his one year anniversary starting chemo, the Chiefs drafted former Iowa QB STANZI.  I can't help but think he had some strings to pull for this to happen.  When my friend and I saw this game we knew it was a must see.  We knew since it was pre-season Stanzi would be playing but also another former Hawk player started for the Buccaneers, Clayborn.  So after devouring some KC BBQ we headed to the stadium and enjoyed prime seats on the 50 yard line.  Unfortunately, I sat next to a Missouri fan who still had some bitter feelings regarding the bowl game.  All in all it was very fun to see Stanzi out their in red playing for Brian's Chiefs.

In an effort to cram as much stuff in as possible in a weekend, we drove home after the game and got home late.  After a few hours of sleep, I turned around and headed to the IOWA STATE FAIR.  Fun fact, first time- I remember, my parents claim I have been as a kid.  I really don't understand the HUGE hype about the state fair but for some reason Iowan's love themselves some state fair.  I don't want to be a downer but once you have walked through one row of pigs the rest of the rows look the same!  A major attraction of the state fair is the amount of deep fat fried food on a stick a person can stuff in their mouth.  To bad I try to avoid a lot of deep fat fried food.  I did snack on a few bites of my sister's funnel cake and indulged in some ribbon fries (I only got them because Brian LOVED, LOVED them).  He would talk about going to festivals with his family as a kid and always eating them ( I think b/c he could pile on massive amounts of ketchup).  For a late night snack I took home a giant pretzel, which was my favorite, and not fried!  I avoided the butter on a stick, fried oreos, and twinkies.  WINNING!

By Sunday I was so exhausted that my body crashed.  No joke, I slept till 2 pm. AHHH!  Very bad because I had a lot of catching up on studying but so good because I was so tired.  However, no time for studying because I had to pack for a very unexpected trip on Monday.  By the way I'm keeping the economy alive with one tank of gas at a time!

Well my whirl wind week continued with a trip to Milwaukee, Wi.  The purpose of this trip was a complete blessing and answered prayer.  I applied for a job Thursday night, received a callback for interview Friday morning, and interviewed mon/tues.  By Wed. I had a job offer!  So I'm going to be a resident of Wisconsin! I'm very excited at this opportunity and I feel like it was just meant to be.  I think starting over in a new city with a new job/career will be the perfect thing for me.  Just as I was starting to get stressed out about not having a job and having no clue what I was going to do with my life this fell into my lap.  Last week I was having mini melt-downs while studying and I kept having to calm myself down and pray.  I kept saying, "come on Lord I have been pretty patient this year but my anxiety is getting to be a lot can you help me out."  I applied and not even 12 hours later had an interview and not even 4 days later a job.  Answered prayers!  Don't worry the bitter feeling from last year's Iowa/WI game will hold me back from becoming a badger fan!  I'm very excited at this opportunity because I know the place I will be working will provide me a lot a learning opportunities to help me advance my career.

Next step, pass boards!  Throw up as many prayers as you can those go well and that I can sit down and focus on studying.  I haven't done much for the past week so now I have a lot of catching up to do! YIKES.

I hope everyone else has had just of exciting week as I have.  I can't wait to share my adventures in Milwaukee.


  1. Hey Stacey,
    Sounds like a wonderful adventure awaits you!
    Many,many prayers for you for the boards and your new life in WI.
    Lots of Hugs!
    Aunt Amy

  2. Congrats on the new job!!!!
    How soon before you go? Your folks will have another fun place to visit on long weekends!
    <3 Fonda

  3. Hope the boards went well for you!
    Aunt Amy

  4. HOW VERY EXCITING FOR YOU STACEY! We are all proud of you. I wish you tons of success. Keep us posted.


    Cousin Bridgett

  5. Congratulations on the job!!! Best of luck! -J'nee
