Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lean cusine

For those of you keeping track at home- I ate 2 lean cuisines yesterday, 1 today. I calculated that my vegetable intake is about 5-6 servings a day. In case your are journaling ;). For dinner I made my special quesadilla's- I invented them in college for Brian. They became very popular, especially around 1-1:30 am.

Brian loved his condiments. No, really LOVED them. I wish God would have given us a sign around, um, December 20th on our future. I now have a fridge full of Sam's Club size hot sauce, jalapenos, ketchup, and BBQ sauce. I may start selling pickled jalapenos to kid's as they leave school- perk to being across the street from Valley High School- does that get you on any kind of list or jail? I might have to re-think that.

Sorry for the bluntness of last, this, and future posts. If it isn't positive enough for you, sorry, no answers other then you might want to remove this from your favorites for about 1-2 months. Grieving isn't easy, it sucks. So many people are worried about me, not sure why I have survived every other curve ball in life, I will survive this. As yesterday, no one can do this for me, no one can fix it. Time can fix it I know that. I can't give up on my faith, but to be honest I'm pretty ticked off. I feel like God was teasing me...teasing me with pure, utterly joy and happiness the past 2.5 years. I feel like a fat kid on a treadmill with a dangling candy bar in front of me. Not cool.

Got the house cleaned and put back together. Towards the end, Brian lost control of going to the bathroom. I swear I could smell urine in the living room so today- I had some free time- I sniffed the entire carpet, found the spot, and shampooed it. I'm sure I looked pretty normal to all bystanders walking by, yep even had the shades opened today.

The UPS man dropped off a package today, first time I met him, will be ordering more stuff via UPS. After that embarrassment, I decided 48 hours of not showering was too long and I should get out of my PJ's from Monday night. So I did just that, even did a load of laundry. I got very bold and took the trash out. While I was doing that I noticed a neighbor going to the dumpster with about 6 pizza boxes, I thought just hurry up no human contact. Well of course that didn't happen, my garbage flew everywhere. While I was chasing it down, in my snow boots, my hair wet and a hot mess, in new pj's & Brian's Iowa shirt the neighbor made it to the dumpster. While he threw in his boxes the wind took it and I subsequently got covered in old, eaten, chicken wing bones- are they left over from the Super Bowl? I believe it. Yep life couldn't get better, covered in another man's trash.

I watched Dan Patrick show all morning. Brian and I would watch this while he was in the hospital or getting chemo. I have now turned all efforts to becoming a Danette- DP's crew! I'm coming up with a list of items to call in about. I'm kicking 'CIS' off (Chris in Syracuse-for you non DP show watchers). Stacey in Des Moines. I see the man cave in my future.

While carpet shampooing I watched Black Hawk down. I think I can begin to re-kindle Josh Hartnet's and I relationship. I also think Gerard Butler and I should begin to kindle a relationship-Brian would get mad because that guy was in every Chick Flick I watched ;).

Tomorrow's project- organizing Tupperware. Why is it there is always missing lids? I swear whoever steals the socks from the dryer steals Tupperware lids.


  1. Stacey-
    Know I'm here for you whenever you need me. Until then, I'm thinking about you and knowing you are doing okay. You have every right to feel every emotion and do or not do what you want. Just bare with the rest of us who say nothing or continue to insert our feet in our mouths. I'm sure you could write a book of stupid things we have said and done by now. It's not you, it's our wanting to help you but not knowing that sometimes helping is leaving you alone until you need us. I promise to have vodka slush ready and waiting! Also, my cell phone is not working. It's not all that bad not being connected to everyone 24/7. That said, could you please e-mail me your address. I have a little something to send to you. Thanks! One step forward, one day at a time.
    -Cindy Mather

  2. Brian did love his condiments. I was never big on them until I met Brian. It started with ketchup and now I always want Franks Red Hot on my eggs. It was like a culinary gaitway drug. I love that story about him making the plate of randomness after his bachelor party.
    Say whatever you have to to get things off of your chest Stacey.


  3. Bravo!!!!!
    The Virginians

  4. Who ever steels the Tupperware lids also mysteriously starts our dishwasher for was all fun and games for awhile until it caught on fire....

  5. Tupperware are the hobos of kitchen ware. They show up out of now where, stick around for a while, and just when you start to like them, they catch the train to someone else's kitchen, never to be seen again. So, we probably have some of your missing tupperware. There are things in our cupboards that I have no idea where they came from.
    CIS has nothing on you,

  6. I love you kiddo! Do you want me to send something to you through UPS?

  7. Ryan is at school right now but I know if he was sitting beside me helping me type this, he will say you should try a chocolate popsicle. They really do help!

  8. Stacey, I just remembered a story you told me once about Brian making you supper and it made me laugh. You always talked about how much he loved watching the food network channel and how he liked to be creative in the kitchen. I believe this meal consisted of chicken ramen noodles, with a grilled chicken breast on top, hot sauce, and maybe some green chives or spice or something.

    Oh, and if you need lids - come to my house. I swear I have tons of lids and no bottoms!

    Stef Swinton

  9. Simply put. Just sending love and prayers. Keep those feet moving. We all overcome tragedy at one point in our life. You are on your way. I'm proud of you Stacey!

    Cousin Bridgett

  10. Hey Stacey,

    You're a rockstar. Who cares if this is positive enough for anyone reading it? This is YOUR way of coping. You do what you need to do to grieve. We'll be here. I personally still find your posts inspiring because you're so honest. I'm not keeping track of you eating but I love that you're making people aware that sometimes it just really isn't their business. Much love and sending happy thoughts your way...

    Chelsea <3

  11. I love that you are still blogging! One step at a time was good advise.

  12. Has anyone told you that you are an excellent writer? I'm serious. I can just imagine you telling me the story of the UPS man and the trash thing right in front of me. I love this blog and I love knowing what/how you are doing. It saves me from asking the question even though you probably hear is 5000x a day. Please keeeeeep it up, I'm always reading. P.S. You knowsss this but I will come sell those jalepenos for you. I'll even dress up in an HUGE jalepeno suit and do a dance with a sign :D That can't be any worse than half the stuff we did with Kels back in the day hahahaha. I'll bring Eli with me too, she'll be down. Loves yaaaaahs Stace <3 -- Maria

  13. As I was driving today I heard one of my favorite songs on the radio. Makes me cry (good tears) everytime. I thought of you instantly. XOXO
    :) Mandi

    Be strong in the Lord and,
    Never give up hope,
    You're going to do great things,
    I already know,
    God's got His hand on you so,
    Don't live life in fear,
    Forgive and forget,
    But don't forget why you're here,
    Take your time and pray,
    These are the words I would say,

  14. Oh the mysteries of life, which includes tuperware and socks. Last week when the sears repair man came to work on our dryer I thought I would finally solve the mystery about the missing socks. We have a bag with over a hundred single socks - how can that be! I waited in anticpation when he disassembled the dryer part by part. I was like a kid waiting to open XMAS presents. The when he took the drum out and everything was open I excitedly looked in the dryer knowing that there were a hundred socks stuck in there somewhere. I couldn't believe it! Not one sock was in there. So that mystery doesn't lie with Maytag. That leaves only one possible reason for the missing socks. ALLISON - I know you have my socks. Love you, dad.

  15. This saying just came across to me, wanted to share...

    when you come to the edge of all the light you have known and are about to step into the darkness, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen....
    there will be something to stand on or you will be taught to fly.

    Love you
    aunt Rosie

  16. Stace-

    I enjoy reading your honest, blunt blogs. I know you are grieveing, and you do whatever you want/need to do! If you need someone to come sit in sweatpants with you, Garman and I would surely love to do that. We'll even come make her famous chocolate chip cookies ;)

    I think you would also be great in some sort of radio show...DP would work well for you too since I dont know any other girl who is by far the biggest sports nut.

    Until then, keep your head held high and your feet on the ground and you will be okay.
    Miss you, love you.


    PS> You should try Smartones along with Lean Cuisine... they have a really good cheese ravioli dish. Plus they are on sale at Target for $1.80!!

  17. Stacey-
    You are always welcome to come and stay with us in Alton. We know how to make a good margarita and always have frozen dinners in the freezer, and would love to watch comedy central for 24 hrs like old times. Keep your head high and be mad as hell! We'd love to see you, come visit :)


  18. Dad: Maybe the socks aren't in the innerds of the dryer but in the holes in the wall...nk :)

    Stacey - if you are Stacey from Des Moines does that make you SIDM? or just SID from now on?

  19. Hey Stacey - my sister in law knows all to well what you are going through right now. If you ever need someone who really knows and understands what you are going through - she's a good ear. Her blog is and you can get ahold of her through there. I think it also has her story on it somewhere if you want to "get to know her" a little first.
