Sunday, April 18, 2010

We are up and running!

We opened the bank account today and it is now linked to PayPal. We are ready to take on donations! Thanks to those who have already donated!


  1. So happy you are doing this for Brian!
    Aunt Rosie

  2. When the bracelets are ready please be sure to give Stacey's mom a bunch. Harrison Elementary School loves Brian just from the cool stories and great wedding photos that Sandy shares with us!

  3. We will be sure to make that happen!

  4. Pritchard is one of the coolest kats that I have ever met...If there is anything that Jessica and I can do, please let us know...Stay strong Brother!!!

  5. Brian and Stacey were very lucky to find each other and they were made for each other. I am glad they have such great friends and family that are willing to help them out in an unfortunate time. BRI BRI, You're in my thoughts and prayers SON! Lil Mama (Stace), keep the humour rolling, that always keep the hope. You both will fight this because you are STRONG.

    <3 you both!!!

  6. Keep the faith, all our love to both of you, Craig and Angie
