Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good Day!

Hello all,
Today was a good day. Brian was up early for surgery. Today they implanted his chemo port. This round of treatment he is/will be getting it through a PICC line in his arm (not fun). Next chemo he will be able to get it through his new port.
Brian was finally able to get up and walk today after 24 hour bed rest from his lumbar puncture. He walked 1 mile (13 laps around the floor), then ate a c.c. cookie (I may have eaten half while he was walking).
Otherwise, today was a good day. His rash is gone (he was covered head to toe) and he finally broke his fever.

Today he enjoyed some Tai Chicken Pizza from Fong's. Trying to get some good meals in before the drugs kick in and he gets nauseous.

We had some visitors today and watched a movie. That always makes time go by fast.

Once again, thanks for the prayers and all the support. I must say I'm still overwhelmed by all the support everyone has shown us.


P.S. Brian swears that in the middle of the night he could feel his huge lump tingle and today he said it feels 'softer'. It is working!!!


  1. Emily Russell SlifeApril 25, 2010 at 8:22 AM

    Stacey and Brian,
    I'm so glad yesterday went well! Nathan and I are thinking of you all the time down here in New Orleans. Let us know if you need anything- we are praying for you. Thank you for all the updates!
    Love, Emily

  2. Brian and Stacey--

    It was great being able to visit you guys yesterday at the hospital. Brian, I am glad you are starting to feel better and that they have started your chemo treatment. Just know that the Jenewein's are here for support if you guys ever need anything. Keep up the great job of staying positive, and I know your going to beat this! Your the man Pritchard!!


  3. Blake, thanks so much for visiting. It was so nice of you guys to stop by after the Relay's. Brian was so happy to see you both! Congrats on graduation!
