Sunday, January 16, 2011

Still in a waiting game.....

I know many of you have patiently been waiting for a new update. Sorry it has taken so long, but there really is nothing new to report. We are still in a waiting game trying to figure out what is going on with Brian.

Thursday night Brian broke out with his highest fever yet and has still continued to break out in them. Although, he does break out in fevers he did hit 98.6 a few times the past few days...a number we haven't seen in a while. The doctors have a few ideas on what is going on and Friday we finally got the ball rolling with some tests, all of which were negative. All the hypothesis cover a wide range of the spectrum of what could be going on so we aren't hanging our hat on anything until there are more definitive answers. We just ask for prayers that his fevers continue to stay down and resolve. Furthermore, we ask for guidance and wisdom for those directing his care.

Overall Brian is in somewhat good spirits. I think Brian has come to terms with the fact he will be in the hospital for a while but I think it is hard for him to be here at the same time. When you have been in the hospital 11 times equating to almost 10 weeks you HATE being here. The food never changes, people come and go, there is fear, tests, tubes and lines, etc. We keep to ourselves in our room not only to keep out germs but keep out everything else that goes on in the hospital. Brian does not want to know nor have any idea what is being called on the intercom. We like to stay in our peaceful bubble.

Saturday I ran home and my sister and I had a crazy few hours of cooking. Since Brian wont eat hospital food (I don't argue with him) we decided to make a bunch of homemade meals to bring to him. He loves my meatloaf so I made him 7 meatloaf mash potato dinners, homemade fajitas, and chili. His mom is also bringing some of his childhood favorites on Monday when they come to visit. Hopefully, that will help us bring some part of home to him.

Brian watched a lot of football this weekend, napped, ate, and repeated. He didn't feel the best yesterday so it was a quite day for us. His counts dropped again Sat and Sun. so he did have to have a blood transfusion. This was the first time his white blood cells had literally been at 0. The lab was even kind enough to put an 'A' next to the numbers so that people would understand that 0 was Abnormally Low.

Today Brian napped most of the afternoon and then he had visitors. My mom brought him some of his favorite BBQ and then our friends brought us some cookies :). Brian's good friend from work came and watched the Jets and Pats game with him as well. Tonight his fever started to creep up so we decided it was time to call in the big guns....a HUGE bowl of Blue Bunny's Bunny tracks ice cream. Hopefully, the Carmel, chocolate swirls, peanut butter bunnies, and chocolate covered nuts will be enough for him to overcome his rising temp.

Brian was starting to lose some of his hair on his beard secondary to radiation so tonight we just decided to shave it. We were tempted, I was tempted although not a fan, to leave him with a dirty stash (mustache). However, Brian said cut it all, chops included.

Hopefully tomorrow we continue to get more tests completed so we can get some answers and peace of mind. Please continue to pray, pray, and pray more that he can overcome this hick-up and we can continue on. Brian was supposed to do chemo this week but that will be pushed back to give his body more time to recover.


  1. I love bunny tracks! :) Remember the turtle shell topping?!?! yum!
    Sounds like you had a somewhat restful weekend together.
    Praying that everything gets figured out soon and that home is in sight.
    Thinking of you and praying!
    Love, Lindsay

  2. The prayers continue on my end and I so hope this is the week you get some answers and released.

    love to you!

    cousin Bridgett

  3. Thinking of you and praying the evil fevers will subside!

    Keep the ice cream coming cream always makes ya feel better!

    Sending all positive vibes your way!

    Hoping this will be the last week away from home.

    Hugs and prayers!

    Aunt Amy and Uncle Denny

  4. Thinking of you often and praying continually for you. This is a lot for you to handle. The verse that comes to mind "Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord." Keep seeking Him-His love, peace, patience and Holy Spirit power in you! Praying His healing touch.Satan wants you to give up but stay STRONG IN THE LORD!!!! Blessings and love

  5. Brian-
    It's times like these that I wish I had a magic wand to make everything difficult go away. I want you to know that I am praying for you everyday, asking God to give you patience and strength when you need it most. You are a good person, Brian. Your smile is contagious and your outlook is admirable. It's ok to have some down times as that's when God is there to do the heavy lifting with the help of your family and friends. Take care - I would love to pop over to the hospital and see you, but not sure you are up for that. Afterall, we barely know one another, but there is something about a cancer connection that makes people bond. Love to you and that wonderful wife!

    Michaelle Bahnsen

  6. Good Morning!
    I know it is too early to text, so thought I would comment.

    I am thinking about you two and praying for you. I pray you hear positive news today and get some answers that will help them figure out these fevers.

    If there was anything I could do to bust you out of there I would do it.

    Talk to you soon,

  7. Hello from AZ,
    Thinking of you constantly and praying so hard
    that things get figured out soon.

    What can we do? We love you. God Bless.

    Aunt Rosie/Uncle Russ

  8. Brian, I can't believe you are getting sick of hospital food! Nothing stimulates my appetite quite like a salisbury steak that was cooked in a microwave while still in its plastic freeze wrap, jk!
    Hopefully the homecooking and ice cream due the trick for you. Hang in there buddy there are better days ahead.

