Good-Bye 2010 HELLO 2011. Brian and I welcome the new year with nothing but open arms. We have grown so much in the past year as individuals and as a couple. We have learned more about our strength, commitment, endurance, and most of all our love for each other. It sure has not been an easy year, but what we have learned this past year is something that neither of us would trade. We have learned what the meaning of life 25. The house, car, TV (although Brian has taken advantage of his broken foot and new TV) don't mean anything as long as we have each other! With that being said I'm ready for a new year with new possibilities.
We got a camera for Christmas so we can now share pictures with you!
This is me putting together Brian's new TV the first night...and then the final product thanks to my sister's help!
These are our dear friends Peter and Quam as we route on IOWA and Peter's last night in Des Moines.
Our friend Mandi came to visit us and took us out sushi (Brian's was cooked through). We usually spend every New Year's Eve with her and her husband but with Brian's foot and her husband being over seas in the military we had to do lunch instead :(.
This is Mandi and Andrew's dog Belle. She was cuddled up to Brian all day and then rode around in his basket. That is Brian's new ride! The scooter has helped him get around a lot easier and is less fatiguing especially after chemo.
This is Brian's new Cast! Hawkeye Black!! Tomorrow night we plan to decorate it with a yellow tiger hawk. You can see a little bit of the bruising on his toes.
This is Brian in Chemo today. He was pretty tired from the IV benadryl, it knocks him out pretty good. Chemo went a lot better today, we are being more proactive with IV anti-nausea meds and IV fluids. It helped that all weekend Brian did nothing but drink water and gatorade. Hopefully, things continue to go better and this round is somewhat easier for him!
Thanks for your support and prayers!!
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