Monday, January 10, 2011

Still In The Hospital

My blood counts have continued to go down slightly which is normal for the first 10 days after Chemo. I was told today that I am probably going to be in the hospital for at least a few more days. Due to the low blood counts my ability to contract an infection is very high so they don't want to take any chances. So far they have found no infections and that is the way that we want to keep it. I was not a happy camper this morning when I found out I was going to stay in the hospital. I took a big nap, realized that they are keeping me here because it's whats best for me and chilled out. I am still spiking fevers and it is because of the low blood counts they think. They draw my blood often to keep tabs on me. When I do get a fever they just give me Tylenol and that usually takes care of it. But even when I'm not running a High fever I am usually running at least a low grade one. All of these things that are happening a fairly normal for the type of Chemo that I am on. It really can wipe out your blood counts, and it has. Pray that my counts go back up and I can bust out of here.

At least there is a big football game on tonight. Hopefully I am feeling good so that I can watch all of it. I don't really care who wins either way but my sister did get me an Oregon Ducks hat when she visited the campus so I guess I will cheer for them tonight. Quack! Quack! Quack! Also it is Stacey's Birthday tomorrow! The Big 25! We were going to out on a date but now we are going to have dinner for 2 at the hospital. Leave her a Birthday message. I love you honey! You are an Angel! Thank you so much for everything that you do. There's no way I could do it without you.

God is Good! Happy Birthday Stacey!

Brian Pritchard


  1. Happy almost Birthday, Stacey! Hope you two enjoy your date night:)

    Always thinking and praying for you both!



  2. Go Ducks!


    Keep feeling better Brian.

    Love, Rick & Lindsay

  3. Happy Birthday Stacey! The best gift if still be able to celebrate together. Bust in the take out for a night and have a great celebration. There's a lot of the weird germs floating around so you're in the best place Brian where they can keep a eye on you. Remember, it's just a season, although a little long, but the rainbow will come.
    Take Care. Kevin and Sherri Squires

  4. Brian, you are amazingly strong. I am so amazed at your attitude and keeping God's perspective on things; the only way to explain it is "Christ in YOU!" I think of all the people in the Bible that had to go through trials, pain and challenges and how God used them. Stay strong in the Lord and know He loves you and is with you.HAPPY B'day Stacey

  5. Happy Birthday, Stacey. You are an angel.
    I have said it before and I will say it again,
    We are so very proud of you both, You have taught us all how to be better people. Bless you.
    Love Aunt Rosie

  6. Good Morning!
    Stacey- Happy Birthday! You have been so special to me since our first late night snuggle on The Couch - I watched you grow into this amazing woman over the past 10 years and am very proud of you...there aren't enough words to describe how caring and loving you are to all of us.

    Brian -
    I woke up this morning to a snow delay and feeling a little stressed and crabby about the inconveniences that it brought to my routine. Selfish, huh? Then I read Jan. 9th's blog and cried. I have never seen you down - even through all of this, you smile, say something bright, create a reason to chuckle and simply bring pleasure to the day. I wish I had a slice of your compassion, humor, deep faith and strength in me.

    You both are amazing! It humbles me to learn from both of you...your commitment to God and each other. God is good and he brought you both into our lives and family and we are very thankful.

    Much prayers for a wonderful day for you both.

  7. God bless you - two wonderful people who have found each other and make the world a better place individually, but more so when you're together! Happy Birthday, Stacey.

    Jim, Steff & Kyle Wilkinson

  8. Happy #25 Stacey!. It is a bummer that you have to spend your birthday in the hospital, however all things considered I'm sure you are right where you want to be. Try to ENJOY! I'm thinking of both of you and wishing there were something that I could do.

    Love you!

    Cousin Bridgett

  9. Happy Birthday, Stacey! It is probably good we don't know what lies ahead of us each day. Obviously one would not plan on spending their 25th birthday by your spouse's side in the hospital! However, as each day does unfold for the two of you, you teach and witness to SO many of us through your devotion to each other and God.
    Carol T

  10. Hope you had a good birthday, you are such a blessing to our family and most importantly Brian. I also pray that your job is going well. Excited to see both of you on Thursday. Hope the snow was not too bad. We only had couple of inches. Brian I listened to Garden State soundtrack today twice, great stuff, Mom and Dad.
