Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In honor of Brian...

I will be celebrating OUR favorite holiday with a few cold Guinness'.  Tomorrow I plan to do exactly what I know Brian would be doing if he were here. Sitting downtown, with a cold beverage, his bracket, and good friends.  More then likely a pit stop at the 'High Life Lounge' will be made to honor this picture below. 

I will be wearing the exact same shirt too!

In honor of such a glorious holiday I made Guinness cupcakes tonight (probably the best dessert I've ever had!)  My corn beef is simmering away in Guinness over night in the crock pot so that before I leave for my 10am start time I can enjoy a plate of corn beef and cabbage.  May sound horrible, but I for sure can assure you that Brian would do the exact same thing.  Oh by the way Guinness is very healthy for you.  It is loaded with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. 

I'm not disappointed in my care-taking of Brian and I didn't mean to portray that.  For what I knew I did my best.  Had I gone head over heals from the beginning I think I could have squeezed out more time with Brian.  I think God had the ultimate plan and that plan was carried out.  Looking back I would have sought out a lot of therapies along with his traditional chemo and radiation.  In my eyes modern medicine failed- and if you do your own research you will see modern medicine fails in majority of cancer cases and hasn't improved in over 50 years (you are telling me that an industry (cancer) that is $260+billion per year hasn't made any improvements in survival in over 50 years- we have walked on the moon but can't find how to improve survival rates).  I don't believe it.  That is why next time I will turn to other methods with traditional ones.  It is impossible for someone to know every thing, including doctors.  A good patient is one who takes care of their own body and knows how and when to ask questions.  A patient should always be in charge of their health care and it is a patients responsibility to know what treatments are available.  I'm 25, I haven't experienced much and that was were I lacked knowledge on what to do.  But looking back,  I now know you just don't pull up to a house and buy it without looking at your finances, examining the structure of the home, etc.  So why not apply that reasoning to other parts of life, even your health.  Most people have no clue what pills they are on and why.  I knew what Brian was on, what it interacted with, but I never dug deep into what other options we could be doing other then small nutritional changes (which I hadn't even done properly because I didn't do research).

I think there is a  reason that God put natural food on the is what our body needs.  Look at our ancestors, they survived just fine with vegetables and fruits, and free range meat- the biggest problem was sanitation issues which we solved!  I think there is a reason why God didn't make McDonald's grow on trees.  Take from that what you will, but I think there is a lot more one can do for their body then take pills every day, go through harsh chemo and radiation treatments, etc.  That is the human way though, find a short cut and take it.  I'm no different.  I'm lazy, if there is an easy way I will take it most days.  Now I'm trying to expand my horizons and be aware. I'm not completely saying good-bye to my chicken wings, ice cream, and deep dish pizza- I'm just saying hello to it less often. 

Well HAPPY ST. PATRICK's DAY (tomorrow), I'm going to go on a limb and say I will not be posting till at least late Friday!

Hopefully, I have a very solid bracket for my pool!


  1. I absolutely love this picture of Brian! Have a fun day! And don't call me for a ride! Well what the heck, you can if you want! You know I would drive over from CR to give you a lift!

  2. Mom-
    You giving us rides on St. Paddy's day brings back great memories...

  3. Cheers!
    Aunt Amy
