Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Go Hawks!

Stacey and I had an amazing Christmas with both of our families over the weekend. It was so great to get to see so many good friends and family. That is what the holiday's are all about. We thank everyone for all of their fantastic gifts and great hospitality! Also Stacey and I got an HD TV from my parents and Stacey's parents!!! It is awesome! I have been looking at getting one for a long time now. It is really great for all of the sports that I love to watch!!! Thank you guys so much!

Tonight I get to use my new TV to watch my Hawkeyes again!!! I hope that they just come out and play well. I want to see the team that played Michigan State again tonight. No doubt it is going to be really tough to beat Mizzou but I love the way that the Hawkeyes prepare for bowl games. Ever since the Orange Bowl game vs USC they always come out prepared no matter who the opponent is. Go Hawks!!!

I have been doing better. Getting more self sufficient around the house but it is still hard when you have to crutch, scoot or hop around on one foot everywhere. At least a lot of the pain has subsided. It only hurts a little bit during the day but at night when I lay on it wrong it does get pretty painful. Ouch!

Today we are going to the Dr to find out whether or not I have to get foot surgery or not. Hopefully not but if I do that is fine too. Whatever it takes to get better that is what we will do. I have had 3 radiation treatments so far and they seem to be going pretty well. We pray that the radiation is working! I start a new round of Chemo on Wednesday. Hopefully it goes better than the last time. I got sick several times with these Chemo drugs last time and ended up getting pretty dehydrated. We are trying to do a lot better with the liquids this time.

Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope that you had as wonderful of a Holiday weekend as we did!!! God Bless!!!

Brian Pritchard

1 comment:

  1. Go Hawks!
    Take care. Think of you daily!
    You are the best nephew!
    It is 55 here in Vegas. We are set to watch the game!
    Aunt Rosie.
