Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hard core....

Yep Brian is pretty hard core. Today he got his new tats...3 of them, what a rebel.

Brian had day 2 of chemo this morning. His chemo is only for a few hours instead of the 8 hours as it was before and the 3-5 days of chemo in the hospital as it was before that. This chemo seems to be taking a toll on Brian more then the others. He was very tired and achy yesterday afternoon and night so he pretty much slept all day. While he was sleeping I ran errands around town filling prescriptions, etc.

This morning after round two of chemo we went for our 'simulation' of radiation. They set Brian up on the machine and then they tattooed marks on him so that they can line him up correctly each time. He said it hurt a lot, they told him it wasn't like getting a normal tattoo. We got done with chemo early so Brian was able to nap for a little bit in his 'special chair' prior to radiation. Where he gets radiation is where his PET scans are so he has this chair that he loves. It is a huge, over sized lazy boy with a remote control that reclines the chair. Brian makes me laugh, if you look in the waiting room Brian is at least 40 years younger then everyone else. However, he sits in the only chair that has a remote that sits the chair up to assist people in standing up. Everyone else sits in a regular chair and sits/stands on their own. Not Brian. He takes full advantage of everything. The chair moves so SLOW, it is funny to watch him go up and down. You have to laugh at something in chemo/radiation right?

This afternoon has been very low key. Brian slept most of the afternoon trying to recover from chemo. I sat in the recliner next to him at home and watched movies on my laptop. That way I could relax too but also be there in case he needed anything. I have been making Gatorade and sprite trips back and fourth the fridge a lot. Today we are being proactive and keeping his stomach in check with some sprite and anti-nausea medicine.

I told Brian I feel bad he doesn't feel good, but it makes me think the chemo is doing something at least. The next few days will be spent lounging out. Our netflix queue is full!

Please continue to say some prayers!


  1. Pryaing that this time will be the answer for you. Give a guy a remote and he'll have fun. I can just see you....Do they give you steroids, Brian, when you have chemo. For some reason I can not handle them and they really give me an anxiety reaction. Does this happen with you? We continue to think of you and pray for you that you can get some results with this treatment. Happy Holidays to both of you. Love, The Clausens'

  2. Every now and then I flip through a special book when I get anxious and this time here is the prayer. I think it's a good one for you guys and what you are going through.
    "Stepping Stone - I do not ask to walk smooth paths nor bear an easy load. I pray for strength & fortitude to climb the rock-strewn road. Give me such courage and I can scale the headiest peaks alone, And transform every stumbling block into an stepping stone."
    The author is Gail Brook Burket. What do you think?
    Aunt Rosie
    PS Maggie says hi!

  3. Thinking of you guys and saying some prayers. Be sure to let us know if you need anything.
    The Reeds

  4. I literally just laughed out loud and can't seem to quit. The story of Brian hogging the recliner with the remote kills me. Mostly because I can picture it very clearly without trying very hard. haha! You two never seize to amaze me with your courage and optimizism! Keep up the fight! You know you have prayers coming your way EVERY day from this girl. Have a very Merry Christmas if I don't talk with you before then.

