Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Retract that previous post

Yesterday Brian was supposed to start radiation however the machine was down so they rescheduled for today. While we were waiting for radiation we ran into our patient care coordinator who stopped to say hi. We told her about our incident on Sunday evening. She looked at Brian's foot called our Dr. to see if we could be seen. We rushed up to their office where they decided we needed to be seen by an orthopedic surgeon. At least they gave Brian crutches so he could get around somewhat.

This morning at the orthopedic surgeon they took more x-rays of his foot and found that Brian fractured 4 out of 5 metatarsals in his right foot. They couldn't get a good look at one of the fractures that might be displaced so we will have a CT scan this afternoon. From this they will decide if he will need surgery or not.

The crutches are very fatiguing for Brian especially since he is on chemo and starting radiation. It is tiring to even get to the bathroom. We discussed this with the Dr. and ordered for Brian to have a walker. Yep 25 and already using a walker (wheeled walker so it is cooler!). This thing is so BIG, I couldn't help but laugh when the sales lady brought it out. It is a Cadillac of all wheeled walkers.

Currently, Brian has a splint on (basically a handmade soft cast). Once the swelling has gone down they will give him a hard cast. He will have this on for 8+weeks. Since it is his right foot he can't drive anywhere. So I will have to take him back and forth to work (once he can return) and all his appointments every day.

Oh my what a year! Let's just say we hope 2011 goes much better.

P.S. I must apologize to Brian for making him do ROM exercises and trying to bare weight on it. I was trying to help him recover since it wasn't 'broken'. He was not a happy I know why. I have made this up by waiting on him all day- with a smile on my face!


  1. OMG, what else can happen huh, Brian you are a trooper, keep up the good fight, God will take care of you, (we just don't understand how he is going about it, huh)God Bless you also Stacey, Brian is so lucky to have you. Merry
    Christmas to both of you, and we will pray for a Blessed 2011.
    Pat Elsberry

  2. Wow, I'm so sorry about this! I can just imagine Brian with the walker. :) I continue to be amazed at your positive attitude and humor throughout this tough road. Hang in there!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Thinking of you! May you remember all out there that
    care and we are saying "extra" prayers for you through
    this rough bump.

    Stay strong. We love you.
    Aunt Rosie/Uncle Craig

  4. Hi! This is my first post EVER in the online world. How long did this take? Too long. And I am doing it at a very dangerous time of day - before coffee...

    I apologize for being one of those annoying loved ones who calls you and makes you repeat things 80 million times. I will try to do better in regards to reading the blog - I guess I just need to hear your voices. You're on my mind and in my prayers all the time.

    Shane said he will join you and your radiation Dr. at the High Life as well :).

    Do you think there is a "walker race team" out there or anything, Brian could be their Captain. We could get shirts and take bets. Stacey could be the person who drives the car along side with spare tires, etc. Since the walker has a basket, Luke has a bike horn we could add to it - no sense in leaving it plain - we need to pimp your ride B...

    We hope to get to see you this weekend.

    Merry Christmas! Much Love, Nina

  5. Merry Christmas!
    Lots of love.
    Aunt Rosie, Uncle Craig

  6. Merry Christmas to the most inspiring couple we know!

    Love Uncle Denny and Aunt Amy

  7. I've been absent from your site for a few days. OMG! I feel so terrible for all that has transpired since my last post. It certainly rains when it pours. I am praying for a much better week ahead. Keep hydrated as it is very important. Malts are good, yet I'm unsure of your swallowing abilities from your treatments. Gatorade certainly may be more nutrious though? Keep is posted and I will be thinking of you and praying extra, extra hard.


    Cousin Bridgett
