Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Congratulations Mom

For those of you who don't know right after I was diagnosed with cancer my mother was also diagnosed with cancer. She told me about her breast cancer diagnosis as I sat in my hospital bed with my IV receiving Chemo. I hugged her tight looked her straight in the eyes and said that WE are going to beat cancer. She said yes We are. We wiped away our tears that day and neither of us has had one shred of doubt ever since. We will overcome.

And I have the pleasure of tell all of you that she has done just that. Yesterday she went in for her last radiation treatment and has gotten the all clear. She has beaten breast cancer. She stands as a humble inspiration to us all. Angela Faith Pritchard is an amazing person and she will let you know where her strength comes from and that is her middle name, Faith. I don't think that anyone has a more fitting middle name than my Mom. She always says "When you are down look up" (to God). Her Faith has never wavered and that is why she has been so strong. She exemplifies what it means to be a mother, friend, spouse and sister in Christ.

So here's to you Mom! You beat cancer and your reward is to keep on living and spread your wonderful Faith! You mean more to me than you will ever know and I am so proud to battle with you! You kicked cancers butt!




  1. This is dad, I owe you two bucks on the all-star game. Hope all is going well this week. Enjoy your site so much. Inspirational for us all. Hope you learned half as much from me as I have learned from you. Love you both.

  2. Hi all,
    Yes, congrats to Angela Faith (my sis), my rock, my inspiration.
    And blessings to my wonderful, special, loving nephew. You give
    us all hope and the ability to look at the bright side - not the down side of life!. How GRATEFUL I am for you all. I will be first in line to
    buy your book!
    Take care. Sending hugs from Gladbrook.
    Aunt Rosie

  3. Good Comments Everyone! Mom really is a huge inspiration! Love you Mom!

    Brian Pritchard

  4. Woo! Woo! Angie. God is good!
