Thursday, July 15, 2010

Karma is a B

Today is a fantastic day, I'm feeling great and I am excited for Aaron and Sarah's Wedding this weekend. Since I am in an exceptionally good mood I am going to share another funny story that has happened to me on my little Chemo journey. :)

My first round of Chemo in the hospital I had many visitors (which I really love and appreciate) but there was one imparticular that was a little odd. An older man who I didn't know would just wander into my room stand in the doorway with a smile on his face and say to everyone in the room, "How do they get all those people in there, Where are they coming from?" Then he would flip the lights on and off in my room like a strobe light. I would just look at him blankly until one of the nurses would come and get him and take him to the right room. This happened at least 4 times with the same man and each time he said the same thing and flipped the lights on and off. I was just as confused as he was I think and would tell this story in a humorous way and act out the actions of the old man and it was all in fun. :)

On my second round of Chemo I was doing my walks around the hospital with my Discman that I carry in my hand. (Yes they still make Discman Haha!) I finished my walk and headed into my room. I peaked in looked up and there was a very nice African American family sitting on the couches in the room and there daughter in the bed!!! I had gone in the wrong room! I did the only thing that I could do in that situation I flipped the lights on and off and said "How do they get all those people in there, Where are they coming from?" And I waited until a nurse escorted me back to my room. :)

So it just goes to show you that what goes around comes around and Karma is a B. I hope this brightened your day and made you laugh as much as it did me. And sorry to the family who I walked in on, my bad. :)


Brian Pritchard


  1. I have now heard this story 10 times....and I laugh equally as loud each time I hear it.

    You crack me up!

    Thanks for always brightening my day with your humor and positivity. You are the best brother-in-law!!!!!

    Have fun Wedding dancing!

  2. I have been catching up on your blog (my new most favorite thing to do) and as I'm dying laughing at this post, Chad keeps asking me what?! what?! I then re-read it out loud to Chad and we both sat here laughing together. You bring people together in more ways than you'll ever know.
    I cannot wait to see you both this weekend!
    -Gar Gar Binx :)

  3. you made me laugh and smile. thanks!

    love you.

  4. what makes this story so funny to me is that I can totally picture you doing this...seriously made me laugh out loud.

    Can't wait to see you in a few weeks at Mandi and Andrew's wedding!

