I woke up today and didn't think that I was going to have to get blood but here I am in the Methodist Hospital Infusion Center getting blood. I just have to laugh because it shows me that I have no idea what my blood counts are going to do or when I have to get a transfusion. All I know for sure is that once I get my new blood I always feel 10 times better! (I guess that means I am on Team Edward! Inside joke for Ally and Chelsea!)
Tomorrow Stacey and I are going to Iowa City to get a lot of the Stem Cell Transplant tests out of the way and meet with the Stem Cell Transplant Doctor. It is just one more step closer to getting my transplant done. What a relief it will be when we are ready to do the transplant but for now we just have to take it one day at time. I will probably be going back to work on Monday and since I got blood today I shouldn't have to get it next week. (Keep prayin!)
I did want to share a quick story with you about a wonderful lady that I met today in the Infusion Center. I was just sitting there waiting for a room to open up so that I could get my blood but it was a busy day so it took a while, which turned out to be fine because I got to meet Sandy and her daughter. I struck up a conversation with her as I often do (ask Stacey, I do it a lot). It was her first time recieving blood in the infusion center and asked me what it was all about. I let her know that there was absolutely nothing to worry about and that usually I slept through most of my transfusions. Hahaha! She also in the "unknown" stages of her diagnosis and it took me back to that time for me. Hopefully talking to her put her a little at ease about the whole thing. I don't believe anything happens at random. I believe that God puts us in situations or trials so that later on we can use what we learned to help the next person. It's amazing to see sometimes how we can all be little peices in this massive jigsaw puzzle of life that God has put us in! Life is Good!
I pray for Sandy and her family as the Doctor's gain more knowledge about her situation. I know exactly what she is feeling and want her to know that God has a plan.
Brian Pritchard
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Today I'm Feeling Kind Of Eh
My blood counts have been holding up so far for this regiment and it has gone really well so far. Stacey is really doing a fantastic job taking care of me. She has been making amazing meals and it has kept my appetite up really well. Just to name a few things, pizza, chilli and meat ball subs! Yum Yum! Thanks Honey! I just wanted to say that you are the best wife ever! I love you so much!
Today I am just getting rest before I get my blood drawn again tomorrow. I am feeling kind of so-so today but not too bad. Nothing a little rest and some good cookin can't fix. I have been diving head first into scripture over the last few days and the words of the good book have been a blanket of comfort for Stacey and I. We are going to get into a small group Bible study this winter.
Stacey has been studying, studying, studying! She has her normal classes that she has to study for plus she has a comp exam that she has to take this fall. The comp exam is a huge test that DMU has her pass the semester before she takes her boards.
Keep the Prayers coming our way and we will keep sending them out to all of you!
Brian Pritchard
Today I am just getting rest before I get my blood drawn again tomorrow. I am feeling kind of so-so today but not too bad. Nothing a little rest and some good cookin can't fix. I have been diving head first into scripture over the last few days and the words of the good book have been a blanket of comfort for Stacey and I. We are going to get into a small group Bible study this winter.
Stacey has been studying, studying, studying! She has her normal classes that she has to study for plus she has a comp exam that she has to take this fall. The comp exam is a huge test that DMU has her pass the semester before she takes her boards.
Keep the Prayers coming our way and we will keep sending them out to all of you!
Brian Pritchard
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Well if you can't go to the game then...
cuddle up on the couch with your hubby under blankets and eat some pizza while cheering on the hawks.
Brian actually requested food today! YIPPIE. I have never been so excited. He fumbled around a few ideas and decided he wanted pizza (very rare Brian is not a pizza fan, however, I am). At first he wanted chips and salsa from Carlos o Kellys but decided on pizza. He said food in the hospital never sounds good. This morning he woke up and had scotcheroos not the best thing but at least he ate.
Last night our good friends Chelsea and Jordan brought us a homemade dinner, mashed potatoes and a roast. Brian ate some but not much, which is rare. It was sooooo gooood too, beef straight from Chelsea's parents farm. Brian this morning said he wish he could have ate more because it looked good but his stomach just wouldn't let him. Chelsea and Jordan took our seats at the IOWA game today. It was only a small way we could thank them for all the meals, goodies, visits and prayers. They are such amazing people. Brian went to bed early in anticipation of breaking out early, and not feeling the greatest.
Brian was done with chemo around 5ish but we stayed in to see our doctor, once he gave thumbs up at 7:40 we were out. It is comforting to see your own oncologist, it is like a pat on the back from your parents and with every peak and valley him and his nurse are there with us. Brian didn't even let me brush my teeth, or change out of my PJ's. He came home showered put a new hawk shirt on and napped on the couch.
We read a few versus that were SCREAMING out to us. We know God is challenging us for a reason now and we are ready to fight. You go through trials to enjoy God's glory at the end. I won't lie, I can't wait to see what God has planned for us.
We hope you are all out enjoying God's Gift!
Brian actually requested food today! YIPPIE. I have never been so excited. He fumbled around a few ideas and decided he wanted pizza (very rare Brian is not a pizza fan, however, I am). At first he wanted chips and salsa from Carlos o Kellys but decided on pizza. He said food in the hospital never sounds good. This morning he woke up and had scotcheroos not the best thing but at least he ate.
Last night our good friends Chelsea and Jordan brought us a homemade dinner, mashed potatoes and a roast. Brian ate some but not much, which is rare. It was sooooo gooood too, beef straight from Chelsea's parents farm. Brian this morning said he wish he could have ate more because it looked good but his stomach just wouldn't let him. Chelsea and Jordan took our seats at the IOWA game today. It was only a small way we could thank them for all the meals, goodies, visits and prayers. They are such amazing people. Brian went to bed early in anticipation of breaking out early, and not feeling the greatest.
Brian was done with chemo around 5ish but we stayed in to see our doctor, once he gave thumbs up at 7:40 we were out. It is comforting to see your own oncologist, it is like a pat on the back from your parents and with every peak and valley him and his nurse are there with us. Brian didn't even let me brush my teeth, or change out of my PJ's. He came home showered put a new hawk shirt on and napped on the couch.
We read a few versus that were SCREAMING out to us. We know God is challenging us for a reason now and we are ready to fight. You go through trials to enjoy God's glory at the end. I won't lie, I can't wait to see what God has planned for us.
We hope you are all out enjoying God's Gift!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day Two of new chemo
Well we made it to day two of the new chemo. We originally thought we would be in the hosp. till Tuesday but good news we are breaking out early tomorrow morning. We should be home for kickoff at 11am (THANK GOD not another week in the hosp. with no IOWA game and just a radio.)
This chemo is tough, Brian slept most of the day Thursday. Chemo is accumulating and making him worn out. Yesterday was rough but we are back mentally and physically and ready to fight. We know we are on the right path and are confident we will make it to transplant. Brian got up this morning and got a couple miles in before I went to school for my test. This morning it was sticky bun day. YUM! It seems like every time we hit a bump the next day is sticky bun day and we get to have some yummy comfort food. The thought of hospital food makes Brian nauseous (after 8 weeks of the same thing he can no longer eat it). We never eat fast food, ever, and last night we gave in to McDonald's chicken selects and Mc Flurry's because it was the only thing that Brian wanted (and that was even hard to get him to think about eating). Last night the nurses snuck us some ice cream and cake (a few of the nurses are getting married and they had a party). Once again more comfort food! The nurses and aids on Powell 3 are like family now, for some reason when you have a bad day it is nice to get off the elevator and see their faces, especially when they yell "YOU"RE BACK"!
Today Brian was having trouble eating again so I brought him a wrap from the DMU cafeteria, I had to encourage him HARD to eat it before his McFlurry so he could get some nutrients (that is hard, because I'm usually taking away food from Brian now I'm trying to shovel as much of it in as I can). This weekend we are going to make homemade milk shakes/pritchard PB cup flurry's with some nutritional powders mixed in so that Brian gets some good stuff in him.
I think the next few rounds we will bringing/ordering food in, anything to get him to eat.
I told him that someday when I'm pregnant it will be the same as him. I will be craving foods...puking, sleeping, and grumpy. Now he will just understand how I feel! You have to look lighter at situations.
Tonight we are taking it easy so we can bust out early. Chemo should be done around 5 am however, I'm making Brian wait till the sun is out so that we can make a pit stop at the farmers market. Then we will be I-O-W-A all day long followed by lots of sleep.
Thank you all for your comments. I have to tell you Brian checks hourly because comments really lift him up so keep them coming. We can't believe how much you all lifted us up, we could feel the prayers and all the texts encouraged us to keep trucking. We have been reading a lot of scriptures online, yes products of the 21st century, reading the Bible online. It is easier to pick us up by prayers and comments then by phone now a days. It gets to be overwhelming, so don't be upset if we don't answer, we just need a break.
PLEASE keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Pray that this new chemo works and we go to Iowa City. We need all of our prayers warriors out there!
This chemo is tough, Brian slept most of the day Thursday. Chemo is accumulating and making him worn out. Yesterday was rough but we are back mentally and physically and ready to fight. We know we are on the right path and are confident we will make it to transplant. Brian got up this morning and got a couple miles in before I went to school for my test. This morning it was sticky bun day. YUM! It seems like every time we hit a bump the next day is sticky bun day and we get to have some yummy comfort food. The thought of hospital food makes Brian nauseous (after 8 weeks of the same thing he can no longer eat it). We never eat fast food, ever, and last night we gave in to McDonald's chicken selects and Mc Flurry's because it was the only thing that Brian wanted (and that was even hard to get him to think about eating). Last night the nurses snuck us some ice cream and cake (a few of the nurses are getting married and they had a party). Once again more comfort food! The nurses and aids on Powell 3 are like family now, for some reason when you have a bad day it is nice to get off the elevator and see their faces, especially when they yell "YOU"RE BACK"!
Today Brian was having trouble eating again so I brought him a wrap from the DMU cafeteria, I had to encourage him HARD to eat it before his McFlurry so he could get some nutrients (that is hard, because I'm usually taking away food from Brian now I'm trying to shovel as much of it in as I can). This weekend we are going to make homemade milk shakes/pritchard PB cup flurry's with some nutritional powders mixed in so that Brian gets some good stuff in him.
I think the next few rounds we will bringing/ordering food in, anything to get him to eat.
I told him that someday when I'm pregnant it will be the same as him. I will be craving foods...puking, sleeping, and grumpy. Now he will just understand how I feel! You have to look lighter at situations.
Tonight we are taking it easy so we can bust out early. Chemo should be done around 5 am however, I'm making Brian wait till the sun is out so that we can make a pit stop at the farmers market. Then we will be I-O-W-A all day long followed by lots of sleep.
Thank you all for your comments. I have to tell you Brian checks hourly because comments really lift him up so keep them coming. We can't believe how much you all lifted us up, we could feel the prayers and all the texts encouraged us to keep trucking. We have been reading a lot of scriptures online, yes products of the 21st century, reading the Bible online. It is easier to pick us up by prayers and comments then by phone now a days. It gets to be overwhelming, so don't be upset if we don't answer, we just need a break.
PLEASE keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Pray that this new chemo works and we go to Iowa City. We need all of our prayers warriors out there!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Pet Scan Results Were So-So
We found out there that are two lymph nodes that are showing residual cancer cells on them. We were hoping for no cancer cells but that is not apart of the plan. This is just a bump in the long road that is Cancer treatments. With cancer as in life there are some big valleys and some big peaks but most times the changes are smaller and subtle. Our little change is the type of Chemo that I am going to get. They are confident that the new regiment that I am on right now will shrink what is left of the Cancer so that we can get ready for the Stem Cell Transplant.
This Chemo is a tough regiment but since I have been able to tolerate the other ones they think that I will do fine. I will do one more of this Chemo in Des Monies before I prepare to go to Iowa City for about a month. After that radiation should follow. We need your prayers for this Chemo to work so that we can stick with the plan. The Dr's are confident that things will go well so that we can do the transplant but your prayers are needed to help us get to that point.
I would be lying if I said that I wasn't anxious after I seen the Pet Scan today but for Stacey and I our faith is greater than any bump on the road that we might have. I told her today that we are not going to worry about things because that is counter productive. Instead of worrying we will pray about everything. And if you think that this little bump in the road is going to Ruin My Day then you are sorely mistaken. I am going to get through this with my faith, family and friends by my side.
Brian Pritchard.
I will be in the hospital for a few days so if you want to comment just click comment and sign in as anonymous
This Chemo is a tough regiment but since I have been able to tolerate the other ones they think that I will do fine. I will do one more of this Chemo in Des Monies before I prepare to go to Iowa City for about a month. After that radiation should follow. We need your prayers for this Chemo to work so that we can stick with the plan. The Dr's are confident that things will go well so that we can do the transplant but your prayers are needed to help us get to that point.
I would be lying if I said that I wasn't anxious after I seen the Pet Scan today but for Stacey and I our faith is greater than any bump on the road that we might have. I told her today that we are not going to worry about things because that is counter productive. Instead of worrying we will pray about everything. And if you think that this little bump in the road is going to Ruin My Day then you are sorely mistaken. I am going to get through this with my faith, family and friends by my side.
Brian Pritchard.
I will be in the hospital for a few days so if you want to comment just click comment and sign in as anonymous
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lymphomathon! Great Success!
Yesterday the first inaugural Lymphomathon was held out at Gray's Lake in Des Moines and it raised over $6,000 for Lymphoma research!!!! Way to go for all who participated and thank you for your support of a cause that is very personal to Stacey and I. It takes 18 years for a cancer drug to hit the market and so I am here today and doing so well because of the research that was done in 1992ish. (Hootie was the number one band in America, so yeah it takes a while from thought to finish). Thank you all for your donations! When people ask you what you did over the weekend you can tell them with blunt honesty that you helped save lives! And truly that is what you did. I was just telling Stacey this weekend that when I think of the money that we raised I don't think of the monetary value I think of the people who's lives will be saved because of it. And not just the cancer patient but who they are. Because each person diagnosed with cancer is not just a patient they are someones daughter, son, aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, sister, friend, husband and wife. And I don't stop there. I think of the children of the person who's live was saved and their children's children. So when you save 1 life it effects hundred's of people even future generations. What a beautiful thought for a Monday morning!
I am doing good at work today. I even put in a few hours of overtime! (Not to shabby)
Stacey and I were also excited because we met with a reporter for the DMU Magazine today! It was really neat for us to discuss with her how far we have come on our journey. (I cried a little bit... I'm wimpy) Barb the DMU report became our therapist today. (She reads the blog, so I know she will appreciate that! Thanks Barb!)
But when you look back you really see how far you have come and you realize how truly blessed you are to have the absolutely amazing support system that we have. We are strong throughout this because we have an army of friends and family battling with us!
Let's keep the positive attitude rolling all week!
Brian Pritchard
Also if you do believe in the power of prayer like me then say a little prayer for us this week as we prepare for a Pet Scan and my 8th round of Chemo in Des Moines on Thursday.
I am doing good at work today. I even put in a few hours of overtime! (Not to shabby)
Stacey and I were also excited because we met with a reporter for the DMU Magazine today! It was really neat for us to discuss with her how far we have come on our journey. (I cried a little bit... I'm wimpy) Barb the DMU report became our therapist today. (She reads the blog, so I know she will appreciate that! Thanks Barb!)
But when you look back you really see how far you have come and you realize how truly blessed you are to have the absolutely amazing support system that we have. We are strong throughout this because we have an army of friends and family battling with us!
Let's keep the positive attitude rolling all week!
Brian Pritchard
Also if you do believe in the power of prayer like me then say a little prayer for us this week as we prepare for a Pet Scan and my 8th round of Chemo in Des Moines on Thursday.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Working for the Weekend!
YES, it is FRIDAY!!!!!!
We have a busy fun weekend planned. Saturday we are golfing in golf tourney for DMU. This will only be the third time Brian has hit the links this summer ( HE LOVES GOLF). He is looking forward to getting out, however, it is 18 holes and that is a lot for him ( I guess I will have to carry our team again this year, just kidding!) After golfing it will be nap time for Brian so that he can watch the IOWA game at 9pm. GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!
On Sunday we are walking in the first annual walk for lymphoma research. If you wish to join our team we are meeting at Gray's Lake at 9:30 am (registration is at 9) in the first entrance near the bathrooms. We have raised almost $1000. That is amazing, we thought a couple hundred would be good and you all exceeded our expectations. Research is what is saving lives, and now Brian's! Breakfast will be provided at the walk for our team due to the all the money raised and participation. WAY TO GO TEAM!!!
Brian was pretty tired and not feeling well this week and received some blood. His 'oil change' was like magic. He since then felt much better and was able to work full days and even clean the house!!!
Since time is dwindling down we are trying to do as many fun things as we can including being outdoors before he is locked into the cancer ward for weeks. Word on the street is there are a few rooms that overlook Kinnick, we are working on finding out who we need to bribe to get one of those rooms.
We hope you all have a safe, fun weekend. Take advantage of being able to go outdoors and enjoy everything you have been blessed with. It is important to take time and be thankful with what you have been provided with.
Life is good!
We have a busy fun weekend planned. Saturday we are golfing in golf tourney for DMU. This will only be the third time Brian has hit the links this summer ( HE LOVES GOLF). He is looking forward to getting out, however, it is 18 holes and that is a lot for him ( I guess I will have to carry our team again this year, just kidding!) After golfing it will be nap time for Brian so that he can watch the IOWA game at 9pm. GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!
On Sunday we are walking in the first annual walk for lymphoma research. If you wish to join our team we are meeting at Gray's Lake at 9:30 am (registration is at 9) in the first entrance near the bathrooms. We have raised almost $1000. That is amazing, we thought a couple hundred would be good and you all exceeded our expectations. Research is what is saving lives, and now Brian's! Breakfast will be provided at the walk for our team due to the all the money raised and participation. WAY TO GO TEAM!!!
Brian was pretty tired and not feeling well this week and received some blood. His 'oil change' was like magic. He since then felt much better and was able to work full days and even clean the house!!!
Since time is dwindling down we are trying to do as many fun things as we can including being outdoors before he is locked into the cancer ward for weeks. Word on the street is there are a few rooms that overlook Kinnick, we are working on finding out who we need to bribe to get one of those rooms.
We hope you all have a safe, fun weekend. Take advantage of being able to go outdoors and enjoy everything you have been blessed with. It is important to take time and be thankful with what you have been provided with.
Life is good!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
3 Important Things
1. Our Lymphoma walk is on Sunday and so far the Just Try And Ruin My Day team has raised $640 for Lymphoma research and 23 people have pledged to walk with us Sunday morning. If you are going to walk with us we will have more information later this week about when to meet us at Gray's Lake, were thinking its going to be about 9:15 or 9:30ish, we will let you know. Thank you to all who have donated so far. Your money is going straight to the number one thing that is going to save lives and that is research. It amazes me just how generous everyone is. Stacey and I thank you for your contributions. If you haven't donated yet and would like to make a general donation to our team then just click the link below. Once in the website click on the My Team Page link above our picture and it will take you to our team page. If you want to make a general donation just click the General Donation link on the left side of the page. Thanks for you support.
2. I have been feeling kind of cruddy since Sunday and we think that it is due to my blood counts dropping. So today after I got my blood drawn and they decided to give me 1 unit of blood to give me a boost. It's really common for me to get blood and it is actually the 4th time that I have gotten blood since we started all of my treatments in April. I am feeling kind of groggy tonight still but am praying that I will feel a lot better tomorrow. We also scheduled a Pet Scan for next Thursday September 23rd. We ask that you put my Pet Scan in your thoughts and prayers. We are just praying for really good results. We are very confident that things are going well.
3. 300 new bracelets are in of various sizes. I know that there are many people who have been wanting them so we just decided to order up a bunch before the Lymphoma walk. If you want some bracelets just let us know how many and what sizes you would want. Feel free to email Stacey or I at pritchards3131@gmail.com and give us your address so that we can send them your way. They are $5 a piece so just let us know. Also thank you for those of you who have purchased the bracelets. It makes me feel like I have an army of support on my journey. It gives me a lot of strength to know that we are not battling alone.
"Everythings gonna be Alright now, Everythings gonna be Alright"
~Bob Marley
Thanks for all of the prayers, love and support. I have the best friends and family in all of the world.
Brian Pritchard
2. I have been feeling kind of cruddy since Sunday and we think that it is due to my blood counts dropping. So today after I got my blood drawn and they decided to give me 1 unit of blood to give me a boost. It's really common for me to get blood and it is actually the 4th time that I have gotten blood since we started all of my treatments in April. I am feeling kind of groggy tonight still but am praying that I will feel a lot better tomorrow. We also scheduled a Pet Scan for next Thursday September 23rd. We ask that you put my Pet Scan in your thoughts and prayers. We are just praying for really good results. We are very confident that things are going well.
3. 300 new bracelets are in of various sizes. I know that there are many people who have been wanting them so we just decided to order up a bunch before the Lymphoma walk. If you want some bracelets just let us know how many and what sizes you would want. Feel free to email Stacey or I at pritchards3131@gmail.com and give us your address so that we can send them your way. They are $5 a piece so just let us know. Also thank you for those of you who have purchased the bracelets. It makes me feel like I have an army of support on my journey. It gives me a lot of strength to know that we are not battling alone.
"Everythings gonna be Alright now, Everythings gonna be Alright"
~Bob Marley
Thanks for all of the prayers, love and support. I have the best friends and family in all of the world.
Brian Pritchard
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Brian and I made the epic journey to Iowa City for ISU VS Iowa game. This is more then likely the only game we will make this year. So we were sure to enjoy the entire thing. Of course Brian was up at 5 am and had been to Hy-Vee 2 times before I got up.

Kick off, Brian was loving life.

I stole my sister's camera so we finally have some pictures from our adventure.
Our tailgating crew!
Kick off, Brian was loving life.
We went to the game with Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, they just forgot to get us sideline passes and say hi...
Overall it was a great weekend. This was the earliest Brian went back to work after having chemo...he was tired but overall is feeling great. He said this weekend he just wants to take it all in and enjoy his freedom before he is the hospital for a long time.
We want to remember 9/11 and thank all of you that are serving our country!
Thank you to all our family & friends who stopped by our tailgate to visit Brian (walking around is tiring on him so thanks for coming to him). Thanks to our gracious hosts, the Kasner's, they made our only tailgating experience so much fun!
GO HAWKS!!!!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Go Hawks!
It's the day before the big game and I just thought I would send out a little post to everyone! Stacey and I are going to the game! We literally spent all night packing everything we need for the tailgate and it was awesome. As my friend Chris Smith would say, "packing for tailgating is an artform." And it truly is. If anyone wants to join us at our FANTASTIC tailgate we will be having adult beverages and lots and lots of food in the lot accross the street from Hawkeye Carver.
Now onto the game. It is going to be awesome and the Hawks better win because I think that this will be the only game that we can get to this year. (We will see on that one.) Let's break it down. The Clones have not scored a TD on the Hawkeyes for 14 straight Quarters. I think that the Iowa D is too much for the clones this weekend. Expect Sash to have at least one interception. The X Factor for the game is going to be the QB's Arnaud threw 2 picks last week against a weak Northern Illinois team and we all know that Stanzi can be turnover prone. Whoever wins the interception battle takes this one. I think that it will be close at half but Kirk and the gang close the door in the 3rd Quarter with a Bomb to McNutt!
28-10 Hawkeyes win in convincing fashion!
Send me your picks on the game everybody! I'm so excited I can't even focus at work today!
Now onto the game. It is going to be awesome and the Hawks better win because I think that this will be the only game that we can get to this year. (We will see on that one.) Let's break it down. The Clones have not scored a TD on the Hawkeyes for 14 straight Quarters. I think that the Iowa D is too much for the clones this weekend. Expect Sash to have at least one interception. The X Factor for the game is going to be the QB's Arnaud threw 2 picks last week against a weak Northern Illinois team and we all know that Stanzi can be turnover prone. Whoever wins the interception battle takes this one. I think that it will be close at half but Kirk and the gang close the door in the 3rd Quarter with a Bomb to McNutt!
28-10 Hawkeyes win in convincing fashion!
Send me your picks on the game everybody! I'm so excited I can't even focus at work today!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pursuit Of Happiness 2.0
I felt pretty good today and so I am going to try to go to work tomorrow. On Monday I felt pretty crappy but today was better and hopefully tomorrow is more of the same. I have definitely watched as much college football and Sportscenter as any man can handle. I am ready to get back to work. I work in sales over the phone so it's not to strenuous but they don't let you take naps at work either like I have been the last two days so that part will be a challenge. My reason for wanting to go back to work so early after my treatment is simple. If I think I can do it then I am at least going to try and I am pretty sure that I can do it!
I want to do as much "normal" things over the next month as I can because I know that the Stem Cell Transplant isn't going to be easy. I am going to be in the hospital anywhere from 2-6 weeks but realistically I will probably be there at least a month. They are going to first take my good stem cells in my body and store them. Then they will give me high doses of Chemotherapy until my blood counts bottom out to as nothing as they can get them. Next the Dr's will give me Neuprogen in high doses to boost my white blood cell counts and promote the growth of good cells. Finally they will give me my good stem cells that they harvested back to me. Then we just wait. We wait for my blood counts to go all the way back to normal.
I know that it is really going to be a tough couple of months for Stacey and I but I know that we will come out on top. There is no doubt in my mind as to what the end result is going to be. And what a celebration it will be when my treatments are done but right now I have to just focus on the day to day. We just need to keep the Faith! God is Good!
I have challenged myself to live life to the fullest before my transplant. For the next few weeks it is going to be the Pursuit Of Happiness 2.0 and NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is going to Ruin My Day!
Also Thanks for all of the support so far with the Lymphoma walk. The Just Try And Ruin My Day team has raised $360 for Lymphoma Research! I am inspired by everyone's generosity, support and prayers! Keep up the great work everyone!
I love you all!!!! Thanks for being there for us!!!!
Brian Pritchard
I want to do as much "normal" things over the next month as I can because I know that the Stem Cell Transplant isn't going to be easy. I am going to be in the hospital anywhere from 2-6 weeks but realistically I will probably be there at least a month. They are going to first take my good stem cells in my body and store them. Then they will give me high doses of Chemotherapy until my blood counts bottom out to as nothing as they can get them. Next the Dr's will give me Neuprogen in high doses to boost my white blood cell counts and promote the growth of good cells. Finally they will give me my good stem cells that they harvested back to me. Then we just wait. We wait for my blood counts to go all the way back to normal.
I know that it is really going to be a tough couple of months for Stacey and I but I know that we will come out on top. There is no doubt in my mind as to what the end result is going to be. And what a celebration it will be when my treatments are done but right now I have to just focus on the day to day. We just need to keep the Faith! God is Good!
I have challenged myself to live life to the fullest before my transplant. For the next few weeks it is going to be the Pursuit Of Happiness 2.0 and NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is going to Ruin My Day!
Also Thanks for all of the support so far with the Lymphoma walk. The Just Try And Ruin My Day team has raised $360 for Lymphoma Research! I am inspired by everyone's generosity, support and prayers! Keep up the great work everyone!
I love you all!!!! Thanks for being there for us!!!!
Brian Pritchard
Sunday, September 5, 2010
God has his ways!
The title of this post I think is most appropriate after this weekend, week, month, and year! Brian has one more round of chemo left then we go to Iowa City for his transplant followed by radiation. Although, the road we are on is necessary it is definitely getting long and tiring. This week I started school again, my last semester (of PT school). However, with school comes more stress on top of an already stressful situation. This semester my classmates and I have to prepare for our cumulative test. As I stare down my bookshelves of notes/texts I get nervous on how I'm going to pull off studying for my comp test, studying for regular classes, support Brian, be with Brian for a month in Iowa City, sleep, eat, and study more. On top of it all, it is hard to do anything productive when you watch your love one battle cancer. This weekend I finally was able to sit down and open some old texts, and just as I did, Brian entered my GRAD SCHOOL CAVE with a letter we received in the mail. He told me I had to read it, and while I will keep everyone anonymous I will share with you the inspiring words. This letter was intended mainly for Brian but I got so much out of it. God seems to have a way to pick you up when you seem to be down. This letter was just what I needed to renew my spirit of, "I can do it!" It is not an easy road, it is the road most wouldn't travel, but I can do it. I don't regret or wish this would have never happened because I would never take back this journey. I have learned more the past 6 months then I have in the past 23 years. I have grown in my faith, as a person, as a friend, as a wife, and every other role I will be in my life.
The letter we received told us how much Brian and I were an inspiration. I don't think of myself as an inspiration as much as Brian, hardly in fact. I see everyone who reads this blog, sends us cards, asks how we are doing, prays for us, provides care for us as an inspiration. You give us hope!
One major lesson I've learned is not to put off tomorrow what you can SAY today. I look back and hate that I spent majority of the past two years locked away in a library. I hate how many dinners I missed out on with Brian, because I was so focused on my school. School is important, but spending time with my husband, I see now, is priceless. If we inspire you in any way I hope we inspire you to not worry about possessions, relationships are more important. I hope you say today what you want to and not hold back till tomorrow. I hope you understand that when it is all said and done your big screen tv, salary, car, and house don't follow you anywhere, however, your faith, family, and friends do.
Here is a short insert from our letter:
"It is so easy for people to get caught up in all the ups and downs in life and quickly forget the path that took them there, and the people they met along the way. Sometimes we forget to say "thank you" or "I Love You" or tell people and family around us why they are special or why we are grateful they are in our lives. It is amazing that people go a majority of their life without telling people what they need to hear the most, and instead waste time criticizing, ignoring, and avoiding what needs to be said."
Brian went back in Thursday for chemo and was discharged Saturday night. Seven rounds of chemo starts to accumulate and while over all he is doing good the cumulative affects add up. Saturday Brian had an upset stomach... I told him I'm sure half the people in IA city currently have an upset stomach as well, induced by a much different liquid of course. I'm not sure if he got sick secondary to the chemo or his pre-game nerves that he gets every Saturday the Hawks play. However, he blamed it on the 2 mile walk I made him go on prior (to relieve his nerves about the game), I think it is the horse pills he has to take because that is what initiated the process. We have definitely learned this is a process of trial and error. Shots need to be given at night so you can take pain pills and be knocked out and not experience the pain, toothpaste in the hospital needs to be bubblegum, ipod and water bottle at all appointments is a must, boxers for surgery, and pills need to be taken with viscous liquid.
Have a great holiday!
The letter we received told us how much Brian and I were an inspiration. I don't think of myself as an inspiration as much as Brian, hardly in fact. I see everyone who reads this blog, sends us cards, asks how we are doing, prays for us, provides care for us as an inspiration. You give us hope!
One major lesson I've learned is not to put off tomorrow what you can SAY today. I look back and hate that I spent majority of the past two years locked away in a library. I hate how many dinners I missed out on with Brian, because I was so focused on my school. School is important, but spending time with my husband, I see now, is priceless. If we inspire you in any way I hope we inspire you to not worry about possessions, relationships are more important. I hope you say today what you want to and not hold back till tomorrow. I hope you understand that when it is all said and done your big screen tv, salary, car, and house don't follow you anywhere, however, your faith, family, and friends do.
Here is a short insert from our letter:
"It is so easy for people to get caught up in all the ups and downs in life and quickly forget the path that took them there, and the people they met along the way. Sometimes we forget to say "thank you" or "I Love You" or tell people and family around us why they are special or why we are grateful they are in our lives. It is amazing that people go a majority of their life without telling people what they need to hear the most, and instead waste time criticizing, ignoring, and avoiding what needs to be said."
Brian went back in Thursday for chemo and was discharged Saturday night. Seven rounds of chemo starts to accumulate and while over all he is doing good the cumulative affects add up. Saturday Brian had an upset stomach... I told him I'm sure half the people in IA city currently have an upset stomach as well, induced by a much different liquid of course. I'm not sure if he got sick secondary to the chemo or his pre-game nerves that he gets every Saturday the Hawks play. However, he blamed it on the 2 mile walk I made him go on prior (to relieve his nerves about the game), I think it is the horse pills he has to take because that is what initiated the process. We have definitely learned this is a process of trial and error. Shots need to be given at night so you can take pain pills and be knocked out and not experience the pain, toothpaste in the hospital needs to be bubblegum, ipod and water bottle at all appointments is a must, boxers for surgery, and pills need to be taken with viscous liquid.
Have a great holiday!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Life: What It's All About?
Answer: Relationships. That's it. That's all. When it really comes down to it that's what it's all about. To say that the last 5 months have been a roller coaster would be a huge understatement but the one thing that has kept me going is relationships. Family and Friends are what keep you going when things are going good and when things are going poorly. My parents always taught me not to burn bridges because you never know when you are going to have to walk across them. Basically what that means is don't be the one to hurt or sever relationships with people because you never know when you are going to need to rely on them. Never has this been so true in my life than the last 5 months. People have showed me what it is truly like to be a friend. I have learned that doing things for others and making people happy is what Life is all about.
Sometimes people ask me where my strength comes from and I will tell you honestly it comes from Faith, Family and Friends. We love our treatment plan now and we are focused on beating this disease but it wasn't always like that. I know what it is like to stare my own mortality in face and I can honestly say that what you think about at those moments are your relationships with Family and Friends. Nothing else matters when you get right down to it. You don't think about how far you have gotten with your career, how much money you made, how big your house is or what type of car you drive. All of these things are what society has told me my life is about but when push comes to shove and something reminds you of how short and precious life is none of the things like status, promotions or financial wealth really matter. You think about how you treated people in the relationships that you have had in your life. So take the time to treat people right so that when you look back you will be happy with the way you prioritized your life. I have been very blessed to look back and see a life full of amazing friends and family.
Mark my words I am more confident than ever that we will beat this I just wanted to reminisce about a time when I didn't feel as confident and share some insight on what it is like. There is definitely strength in numbers and I am so blessed to have such an amazing group of people along with me on this journey. Thank you all!
We will beat this!
Brian Pritchard
I just started my first bag of Chemo for my 7th round. Let's do this! Let's Fight, Fight Fight!
Sometimes people ask me where my strength comes from and I will tell you honestly it comes from Faith, Family and Friends. We love our treatment plan now and we are focused on beating this disease but it wasn't always like that. I know what it is like to stare my own mortality in face and I can honestly say that what you think about at those moments are your relationships with Family and Friends. Nothing else matters when you get right down to it. You don't think about how far you have gotten with your career, how much money you made, how big your house is or what type of car you drive. All of these things are what society has told me my life is about but when push comes to shove and something reminds you of how short and precious life is none of the things like status, promotions or financial wealth really matter. You think about how you treated people in the relationships that you have had in your life. So take the time to treat people right so that when you look back you will be happy with the way you prioritized your life. I have been very blessed to look back and see a life full of amazing friends and family.
Mark my words I am more confident than ever that we will beat this I just wanted to reminisce about a time when I didn't feel as confident and share some insight on what it is like. There is definitely strength in numbers and I am so blessed to have such an amazing group of people along with me on this journey. Thank you all!
We will beat this!
Brian Pritchard
I just started my first bag of Chemo for my 7th round. Let's do this! Let's Fight, Fight Fight!
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