Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nothing Is Random

I woke up today and didn't think that I was going to have to get blood but here I am in the Methodist Hospital Infusion Center getting blood. I just have to laugh because it shows me that I have no idea what my blood counts are going to do or when I have to get a transfusion. All I know for sure is that once I get my new blood I always feel 10 times better! (I guess that means I am on Team Edward! Inside joke for Ally and Chelsea!)

Tomorrow Stacey and I are going to Iowa City to get a lot of the Stem Cell Transplant tests out of the way and meet with the Stem Cell Transplant Doctor. It is just one more step closer to getting my transplant done. What a relief it will be when we are ready to do the transplant but for now we just have to take it one day at time. I will probably be going back to work on Monday and since I got blood today I shouldn't have to get it next week. (Keep prayin!)

I did want to share a quick story with you about a wonderful lady that I met today in the Infusion Center. I was just sitting there waiting for a room to open up so that I could get my blood but it was a busy day so it took a while, which turned out to be fine because I got to meet Sandy and her daughter. I struck up a conversation with her as I often do (ask Stacey, I do it a lot). It was her first time recieving blood in the infusion center and asked me what it was all about. I let her know that there was absolutely nothing to worry about and that usually I slept through most of my transfusions. Hahaha! She also in the "unknown" stages of her diagnosis and it took me back to that time for me. Hopefully talking to her put her a little at ease about the whole thing. I don't believe anything happens at random. I believe that God puts us in situations or trials so that later on we can use what we learned to help the next person. It's amazing to see sometimes how we can all be little peices in this massive jigsaw puzzle of life that God has put us in! Life is Good!

I pray for Sandy and her family as the Doctor's gain more knowledge about her situation. I know exactly what she is feeling and want her to know that God has a plan.

Brian Pritchard


  1. Also thank you for all of the prayers, scripture and comments over the past week. It has meant so much to us!

    Go Hawks!

    Brian Pritchard

  2. You'll be on my mind all day.
    Take care and talk to you soon.
    Go Hawks!
    Aunt Rosie

  3. Hi Brian and Stacey!
    Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you guys today as you are in Iowa City for your stem cell tests. I will be back next weekend for Garman's wedding and Jeff and I really want to stop and see you. We love you both very much and miss seeing you all the time. We are so fortunate to have met you when we did and think the world of you both. Jeff and I always talk about you especially on Sundays watching football together. Go Chiefs!

    Love you both,
    Christa and Jeff

  4. Brian,
    You are right, there is nothing random. Everything happens for a reason. Your mission was to bless that lady's life and you did it. She will remember this and someday pay it forward. Well done, good and faithful servant.

    Aunt Wendy
