Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Feeling Better Than Yesterday

I am thankful that I am feeling better today. Yesterday I was pretty tired and felt pretty weak but today is a little bit better. I did a couple of jobs around the house and ran a couple of errands but have mainly slept the last two days. Since I am on a new Chemo regiment I didn't want to really push anything too much until I know how my body is going to react. So far so good. The new regiment has pretty much been like the previous ones. Maybe I had a little bit more fatigue yesterday but not anything that I can't handle. I started my Neuprogen shots on Sunday night and have to do them for 10 straight days. (Ouch! It makes my bones sore). If the worst is already over for this regiment then I am really really thankful. God is Good!

Many of you know that I am a sports fanatic and are probably wondering what the heck I am doing at home all day when I'm not sleeping. Well if you guessed watching ESPN all day then you are right! Typically I watch about 3-4 hours of Sportscenter a day on my beloved couch. I take at least two naps a day some for over 2 hours and the only other thing I do is eat. And I don't know why but Chemo makes me starving when I get out. I eat pretty much everything in site. I will even get up in the middle of the night and grab some chips or a snack. I hardly ever leave the house either for the first few days at home. The sun really takes it out of me and I also get hot easily so staying in the AC is definitely key. Everything in moderation when your blood counts are dropping.

In other news it is really awesome that Stacey is home from her rotation. She has done a great job of taking care of me all week! Also her rotation went awesome! The people at her rotation were amazing and even grabbed a brownie from her work when I visited last week!

I'm just glad I'm feeling better than yesterday!!! Life is Good!!!

Brian Pritchard

Thanks for everyone that has been posting comments on my blog!!! It gives me a boost everytime and keeps me positive and focused on beating this thing!!! Go Hawks!!!


  1. Good to hear you're on the up and up man. Body says eat, eat; body says sleep, sleep; body says watch 4 hours of Sports Center, watch 4 hours of Sports Center! -Joe

  2. Just got off the phone with Steven Hawkings... he's been doing a lot of research in the area of which college football team is best, and not his opinion but by the laws of the universe which team is best. To no surprise Iowa is in fact by the laws of the universe and nature the best team ever. Wisconsin... the worst. Love it or leave it! Peter "The All Knowing" Anhalt

  3. Hi Brian & Stacey,
    I hope you have not had any worse side effects with this new chemo. Those shots sure do not sound like fun. We are excited for football, too! (although I will say this quietly so as not to upset you -- our team colors are different than yours - sorry!) It's all fun to watch, though! Keep up the fight, Brian, and we'll all keep praying!! Al & Carol Treloar
