Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Here's to making other people happy!

Tomorrow I start my 6th round of Chemotherapy treatments. We think that they are going to change the regiment that I have been on but we are not sure. We trust the fantastic Dr's that we have 100%. There is always a level of anxiety that comes with starting a new treatment or new round of Chemo and this one is no different. All you have to do is tell yourself that I have done this before, I can get through this and I am strong enough to beat this.

Your best friend when you have cancer is a positive attitude. No matter what you go through, how hard it becomes or how draining it may seem you have to stay positive. You just have to tell yourself that God has a plan and that I am going through this for a reason. You have to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. I can't emphasize that enough. You have to just focus in on things that you can control on a daily basis. I can't control how I am going to feel, sleep, eat or how much of the cancer I am going to get rid of this round but I can 100% control how I react to it. I can control how I treat others around me and I can control how I am make them feel.

If I can just make one person feel better on any given day than I have completed my daily goal and that is something to hang my hat on. Giving people hope and showing them that you care is contagious. Once you help one person that person wants to help the next person and so on. What if we all made it easier on each other instead of harder and we all just helped one person a day. There's strength in numbers! Go help someone today! I know that I will try too!

Here's to making other people happy!

Brian Pritchard

I love it when people leave me comments when I am in the hospital. It gives me a huge boost! Leave a comment and I guarantee it will get appreciated by me in my adjustable hospital bed.


  1. Brian and Stacey-
    You are both so amazing! I'm praying for you both each and every day! I hope all goes well with your chemo tomorrow- and I LOVE your blog. You truly inspire me!! LOVE YOU BOTH!!!
    :-) Mandi

  2. Hi Brian and Stacey!
    As I told your Aunt Rosie, you leave me speechless. Well...not quite speechless :) because I have to tell you what came to my mind when I read this. You are living out James 1:2-4: "Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverence. Perseverence must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." THANK YOU again for sharing with all of us! Prayers continue! Carol Treloar

  3. Brian great comment on being positive! I try and feel that way all the time, but I always wonder how i would handle a situation like yours. You are a inspiration to me and others, you must believe in it with all your heart. To bad your a hawk fan like the rest of the Russels!! LOL I have a great positive feeling for you and love your attitude. remember to smile each day that you are whipping the disease. Jeff Schulz friends of Rose and Craig

  4. Hi Brian!
    How's it going??? Are you in a new room?
    Bet the group there is treating you good and
    your smile brightens their day. You are in
    our thoughts. Hope to see you soon.
    Aunt Rosie

  5. Hi Brian,
    Thank-you for the gracious and inspiring example you are to others.
    I just want you to know that I am praying daily for you and your family, too. May God continue to bless you richly on this incredible journey.
    With love, from distant family in Canada

  6. Bri-guy!
    Love reading your posts on here and following up with you guys as I am away in Chi-town! coming home tomorrow though! cannot get over how positive you and stacey have been through all this, I truly admire how you are takening all this! will have to stop by on our break to catch up! take care man!

    Blake Reinke

  7. Brian & Stacey,
    Cool web page!! I will walk beside you and Stacey on this journey.. GO CUBS :)

  8. I can't wait to see you in a week. I hope you are kickin some cancer a...butt. Get some rest and do what you need to do to beat this thing. Love Ya Buddy!!!

    Go HAWKS!!!

  9. Just heard on the radio,"22 days until Iowa football starts!" Thanks for the blog up dates, I read it all the time. Hope you have a great weekend!

    With smiles and love, cheers!

  10. Hi Brian! Sorry it has taken me so long to post a comment. I'm not very good at this new fangled stuff! I loved your post about being positive! Everyone should read it! Your Aunt Rose keeps me updated on all that is going on with you. I know with your positive attitude, good things are ahead. Know that you and Stacey are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and stay positive! Tamara Oettchen (friend of Craig and Rose)
