Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sometimes all you need is an Oil Change

Brian has felt much better since getting some more blood on Tuesday...I guess he just needed another oil change. Monday night he was not feeling well and complained of tooth pain, that is a new one. Tuesday the nurses told him that is common if your blood counts get too low. He since has felt much better and he was even able to work Tuesday afternoon.

Last night we met up with some good friends at Flying Mango, a Caribbean BBQ place in DSM. Brian brought a fierce appetite to the table. It was nice to visit with friends while munching on some delicious food. It always feels good to get out of the house and socialize, something normal. On the way home he started complaining of a bad headache followed by heavy sweating. We got home and he took an aspirin and chugged GLASSES of water and felt better. He thought he was dehydrated, perhaps it was the Mango Tango drink he had (I ordered but didn't like), or reaction to something. Once he felt better he fell asleep, while I camped out on our living room floor making sure he was ok. This round has been more difficult so I decided to temporarily reside on a foam pad on the floor next to Brian who is on the couch (he wakes up so much it is easier for him to be on the couch, I want to make clear I did NOT kick him out there!)

This morning he got his blood counts checked again and everything was on the rise and looking good. This new chemo we can tell is a little rougher and takes a while to recover but hopefully this has the key ingredient that we need. Brian has worked full days the past two days which he is excited about.

Thanks for all your continued support. Bands will be in the mail soon. We have word that one Hawkeye player is sporting a 'Just try and ruin my day' band!!!

Keep sending prayers!


  1. Happy Saturday!
    Hope you have a good one watching some football.
    Miss ya! Weather good - beautiful fall day.
    Take care.
    Aunt Rosie

  2. Brian and Stacey!

    I'm having a computer glitch and want to order a few bracelets. It seems my computer has not kept up with my new provider??? I'll e-mail Rose and ask her for directions on how to order and get an address to where I can send the money.

    I so hope your feeling better and I'll drop you another notenext week.

    With Love,

    Cousin Bridgett
