Friday, October 29, 2010

Tough 24 hours

We have had a really tough 24 hours. The Chemo that they had me on did not work the way that they wanted it too and the cancer has stayed the same size or gotten a little bit bigger or possibly spread to another lymph node. Stacey and I are just coming to terms with everything and working it out together at this time.

We are waiting for options from the Dr's to see what we are going to do next. There are many other trial medications out there that have been working for people and so I think we will go that route. We are putting the stem cell transplant on hold until we can find a Chemo treatment that shrinks the cancer. Please keep on praying for us and guidance for the Dr's to know what to do next.

It has been hard for both of us and we have a lot of emotions, thoughts and things to deal with but one thing is for sure and that is that we will never give up. We have come so far and we are not about to give up the fight right now.

We apologize if we do not answer your text messages or calls but it is just a really tough time for us and we need to deal with it first before we deal with it with everyone else. The best thing to do right now is too pray and send cards. We love cards because it lets us know that people are caring and praying for us without us reliving the tough news over and over again.

Thank you for your continued support, love, thoughts and prayers

God is Good

Brian and Stacey Pritchard


  1. I love you guys and I'm praying all the time. You're both so strong and I know you'll make it through all this.
    Please let me know if there's anything I can do!

    Lots and Lots of Happy Thoughts,
    Gar Gar Binx

  2. Much love and caring we are sending to you.
    Take your time, hug each other, and we will
    keep on praying. Love always.
    Peace and light to you.
    Aunt Rosie

  3. Keep up the fight Brian and Stacey! You guys are such an inspiration. So many thoughts and prayers are being sent your way every day!

    Lots of love,

  4. Keep the faith and fighting the good fight! You two are so strong and you will make it through this! Trust in the Lord, for the Lord is great! Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way!

    -Keith and Jennie

    "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
    -Romans 12:12

    "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
    -Romans 15:13

  5. You are remaining in our family's thoughts and prayers- we know you can beat this!! Keep that positive attitude, sense of humor and faith :) Sometimes, it just takes a little more time and a few more detours than we would like. Thinking of you lots and praying you make it to Iowa City soon for the Stem Cell transplant!! Love you guys! -Erica

  6. Hey guys, We love you and are praying for you!
    I am sending hugs, and Allison will bring home some comfort food on Sunday. Stay strong!
    Love Mom and Dad Harter

  7. Much love to you Brian and Stacey! I know you are disappointed and I pray some treatment that works better for you will soon come your way.

    Stay strong and keep on believing.

    Love to you both,

    Cousin Bridgett

  8. May you find strength in each other and your families.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers!

    Aunt Amy and Uncle Denny

  9. On April 22, 2010, when I found out I had breast cancer, Dad and I went to the Christian concert in Cedar Rapids to worship God.
    The first group, Sidewalk Prophets sang "The Words I would say".
    The song goes like this....
    "Three in the morning, and I'm still awake. So I picked up a pen and a page. And I started writing just what I'd say. If we were face to face...I'd tell you just what you mean to me. Tell you these simple truths. "Be strong in the Lord. And never give up hope. You're gonna do great things. I already know. God's got His hand on You. So don't live life in fear. Forgive and forget. But don't forget why you're here. Take your time and pray. These are the words I would say."
    Brian and Stacey you have this CD. Please listen to the CD this weekend. It's great!!!!
    May God Bless you. Love, Mom and Dad Pritchard

  10. "For I know the plans I have for you (Brian & Stacey)," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you (Brian & Stacey) and not to harm you (Brian & Stacey, plans to give you (Brian & Stacey) hope and a future."

    This has always been one of my favorite verses over the years. It was the verse for my devotion today!

    Love you both.

  11. Sometimes letting the tears flow helps.

    Believe in your faith and HE will reward you!

    We are ALL behind you!

    Fighting with you!

    Love Uncle Denny and Aunt Amy
