Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chemo Gas And The Human Response

So to keep up with the upbeat theme of my blog I will be adding funny stories from my experience and here is a little anecdote about a side effect of my Cheomo treatments. Enjoy!

After my first treatment things were going great, I had a little bit of heart burn but no major side effects. I went to work that one day feeling good, made it through lunch with no problems and then I learned about one of Chemo's silent side effects. :) I had Chemo Gas as it is known by the Doctors. Due to the Chemo your stomach produces a lot of acid which explains the heart burn too. This is an exact conversation that I had with a couple of my teammates at work after I released some of the pressure.

Cubicle Buddy One: What is that smell ?!??!?
Brian: (No Response)
Cubicle Buddy Two: Yeah what is that SMELL?!?!?! Brian do you SMELL that?!?!?!
Brian: (Embarrassed but still silent)
Cubicle Buddy One: Brian? You over there?
Brian: Uhhhh Yeah.... What is that? (Then I blurted out) I think that maybe our air vents need to be cleaned.

So If you or someone you know is a janitor that complained about having to clean vents that seemed to be completely clean. Then tell them my story and tell them that I am sorry. I learned my lesson and never gambled on my Chemo Gas since then.

Sometimes we all need to laugh at ourselves because what we do is just plain hilarious! Hope that this little diddy brightens your day as much as it did mine!



  1. Brian,
    I love this story!! It made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. I shake when I laugh and I was shaking so hard Matt couldn't even read the computer screen - thanks for the laugh!!

    You are doing so awesome and
    I am so excited that you are half-way done with the chemo treatments, whoop whoop!!! I firmly believe that a positive attitude, a great support group, and faith make all the difference in the world. My mother-in-law battled the most aggressive type of breast cancer and she says those 3 things were what helped her fight and make it through the battle.

    I'm talking to the big man upstairs everyday for you!!

    *Stef Swinton

  2. Hah. You crack me up! Thanks for the laugh, its half time of the soccer game so I needed some cheering up this morning!

    Go Yanks.

    Maybe the gas is not from the chemo, but from all those berries your eating...hmmmm....guess you don't have to eat berries anymore!


  3. haha. nice job, brother.

    love you.

  4. Hahaha! Air vents?!!! Worst fart excuse ever!! Keep the stories coming buddy this is hilarious!!

