Sunday, June 13, 2010

Status Update

Hello Everybody! I just thought I would take a moment to update everyone on my current health status. The lump under my arm has gone down in size considerably since I first started my treatments. Thank God, because it was pretty big when I was first diagnosed. I am feeling pretty good right now and should feel a lot better by the end of this coming work week. Chemotherapy wipes out all of your blood cells so for about a week to 10 days after your treatment you feel weaker. But after that period my blood cell counts go up and I just feel normal again. Since the end of my treatments last Tuesday I have felt good just tired. (I take a lot of naps! Hahaha!) Don't we all feel better after a good nap! :) I have had a great weekend watching the World Cup and hanging out with my wonderful wife Stacey. Today is cleaning day at our house (Gotta keep it clean when my counts get lower, hahaha!) and I'm about to take another nap. Hope all is going good for everyone else too. I had a great weekend and I'm glad to be at the halfway point of my Chemo treatments. It's certainly feels like a big mile marker and I couldn't have come this far with out everyone's help.

Thanks to everyone! I am so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the last time you were in the hospital the nurse told you no chores while you're in treatment...actually she only gave you permission to play Xbox all day. Judging by the fact Wifey made you clean all day means that she did buy that story eh?

    Dance dance dance!

