Sunday, June 13, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1)

Do you have any pain from your Lymphoma?

Good Question Everyone: I don't nor have I had any pain or discomfort in the areas that I have cancer. I am very lucky because many people will feel the pain even before their diagnosis and many times it can get progressively worse as Chemotherapy is administered. This is not the case with me. I haven't felt any pain from my cancer. It is one of many answered prayers.

However: I do feel some discomfort from a shot that I receive called Neuprogen (I warmly refer to it as Newp!). Stacey gives me the shot once a day for 7 days after I get home from my Chemo treatments. It helps my bone marrow produce more white blood cells so that I keep my counts up which is great. But it does produce some long bone pain. I first noticed that my jaw hurt after my first treatment and then it comes and goes in my arms, legs and jaws. It really doesn't hurt all that much, its just more of nuisance than anything. If it is the worst pain that I will have throughout my treatments I will consider myself to be very, very lucky.

Feel free to submit or ask any questions. I would be more than happy to answer any of them and there is no question to silly especially on my blog! Hahaha! :)

1 comment:

  1. Brian/Stacey,
    Thanks for doing this blog. It helps us all try to understand things,
    but most of all we want you to know we are here for you 24/7. It was nice seeing you today if only through the window or a few feet away. I wanted to hug you so bad, but with my cold that's a big no no and I know you understand that the love is there - whether I touch you or not. I admire your strength and fight. Your motto is one so many of us need. Take care. Stay strong. We love you. Uncle Craig & Aunt Rosie
