Friday, June 25, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

Today I woke up and I realized that on Sunday I go in for my 4th Chemotherapy treatment. It's become routine for me at this point. I know the nurses and staff by name. I know what Chemo drugs and how I react to them etc. I also know that starting Sunday and for the next two weeks I am going to feel run down, tired, my fingers will be numb, food will taste weird, I will have heartburn, my appetite will fluctuate, I may need another blood transfusion and the Nueprogen will make my bones hurt. But that is why I need to really take advantage of this weekend while I am feeling good. I am going to be going to CJ and Sonja's beautiful wedding in Okoboji. I will get to dance, sing, see friends that I haven't seen in forever, golf, swim, eat great food and enjoy the beauty that is Iowa.

One of my favorite saying is that the bitter makes the sweet taste that much sweeter. Translation: The rough times in our lives make us appreciate the really good times. All of us have things that we are going through and having problems with but good times are ahead. We need to appreciate how blessed we all are and not dwell on the negative.

I am lucky because I know when I am going to have rough times. The Doctor schedules the Chemotherapy treatments and I go. Most people don't know when the rough patches are going to hit. That's why it is so essential to take advantage of the beauty that is life when were feeling good. I challenge everyone to make it a fantastic weekend. Were all on the pursuit of happiness this weekend! Whatever you are doing make is special and make the people that you are with feel special too. It's your life, you only get one, live it to the fullest!

Just Try and Ruin My Day!

Brian Pritchard

P.S. I cried on my laptop when I wrote this. They were tears of joy.


  1. Great post big guy! Even though I talk to you everyday, posts like this are awesome to read, keep up the good work.

    Have a blast this weekend. Enjoy the wedding, great weather, and of course, the World Cup game, GO USA!

    I'll stop by the hospital when I get back to DSM Tuesday night.

    P.S. Didn't know you were going to be out of the office today, who am I supposed to email all day?

  2. Brian,
    How can someone so young have such wisdom? I knew you were wise but such insight is a gift from GOD! Like you I had tears of joy when I read this just now. You are an inspiration!
    I love you buddy and blessed to call you my son-in-law. Actually I think of you as the son we never had!
    Love MOM Harter

  3. Brian -
    Words to live by. You brought tears to my eyes today too, but let's not kid ourselves, we all know I'm quick to them (darn Disney movies). Have an awesome time this weekend, LIVE IT UP!

    Go Hawks, Go Team USA.


    ps- Sunny SD is requesting a danceoff!

  4. Brian, your comments are so true. Life is never the same after being diagnosed with cancer. May the Lord give you strength, and a renewed and continued hope that our blessings are in each day. Take Care and remember these trials will bring a beautiful rainbow when that last treatment is finished. Sherri Squires

  5. Brian, Awesome words and thoughts - you could (should) write a book. Gives us hope and thankful hearts. We got to have Ella for two nights (Corn Carnival). She said "I love Corn Carnival" and she cried when time to go home. We are B L E S S E D. Little Ella prays for you each night, we all do. Have a super time at the wedding. Will be thinking of you! Call anytime 24/7. You have the #. Love you so much,
    Aunt Rosie

  6. Sonja and I had the best weekend of our lives and seeing you and Stace-face made it that much more joyful!!!
