Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My New Blood

My buddy Nick from work told me not to worry about the blood transfusion because all they were doing was just "Changing my oil!" (Hahaha!) :) He was right for sure because there was nothing to worry about. I'm feeling as normal as I have felt since my treatment over a week ago. I had lots of strength and energy today for work. I did get a little sleepy at 2:30 but who doesn't? Hopefully I am at full strength for Nick's wedding this weekend. It's gonna be awesome. Also on Sunday my wonderful family is coming to visit and we are going to our favorite winery in Indianola. Red's have lots of antioxidants!

I did have a bummer tonight though when I came home. Stacey was in our bedroom with the heating pad and told me that she went to the doctor and that she might have strep throat. Don't worry Sandy (Stacey's Mom) I am taking good care of her. It's nice to take care of her instead of the other way around all the time. One thing is for sure that she is a much better patient than I am. I hope she feels better soon though. She's my Rock!

Go Hawks and Cubbies!


  1. Feel better Stacey. We know Brian is watching over you.
    Take care! Prayers and love your way.
    Aunt Rosie

  2. Hey, I gave blood last night. I might even start donating platelets for cancer patients.
    Let your friends know that blood banks can use platelet donors, especially from men. The platelets help with cancer patients having problems with bleeding, platelets help the blood clot better.
    Maybe you should wear a mask around Stacey!
    Love you both!
    Mom Harter

  3. Way to go Sandy! Keep up the blood donations. All of the blood banks need blood and they can store it for up to 120 days! I feel great with my new blood and it really gave my system a huge boost!

  4. I hope Stacey is feeling better! I'm glad to hear you are feeling so great! Have fun at the wedding and with the family. I totally laughed about the wine and antioxidants- such a great reason to have a drink- enjoy! :) I'm already thinking of the blackberry wine over Thanksgiving...we just need to remember to get more than one bottle! Love you both!
