Monday, June 14, 2010


Hello all,
This is Stacey! I'm posting for Brian tonight because he is EXHAUSTED. We found out today that his red blood cell's have officially hit rock bottom and aren't coming up so they decided to go ahead and do a blood transfusion tomorrow morning. This is a new adventure for us but we know it is best. His low blood count explains why he has been so tired this weekend. I thought he was being lazy when he wouldn't load the dishwasher, but it turns out that he REALLY was fatigued. We had a nice visit from my mom and sister Friday as well as cheering on USA Saturday with some good friends. All of this accumulated and led to him being completely tired and barely able to move back and fourth from the couch yesterday.

I did make him do light house work such as folding laundry while sitting down, dusting the table while seated, and cutting not let him fool you that I'm a slave driver. I didn't want to wear him down more but the PT in me knew he couldn't lay for the entire day (1 day bed rest = 3 days of loss strength).

He was able to return to work today and even worked a full 8 hour shift! This is amazing but I know it is because he wants as much normalcy as possible and he will battle all in order to achieve his normalcy. However, this did result in him going to bed at 6:10pm after I grilled him a HUGE T-bone steak topped off with a baked sweet potato, and steamed veggies (the Dr.'s said it wouldn't help his blood counts but I think it helps a little (at least last time it did)).

Once again, I must thank you all for the continued support. It is so comforting knowing we are not alone in our fight and that hundred's of people have our back. I feel so blessed and am speechless by the number of people that have touched Brian and I's life. I have come to realize in my recent PT internship that what we are going through is just a small bump in the road compared to the mountains that others must climb. My experience through Brian has renewed a passion to help others and help encourage them to keep on with the fight for life!

Dr. appt @ 8 am and Brian wants to attempt work afterwards!

We are trying to do a better job of continually updating so please visit frequently as well as LEAVE Brian comments so that he has something to look forward to!!


  1. Livestrong B.P.!!

  2. Go Yanks!!

    "Briiiiiiiiiian" That's my impersonation of Stacey yelling from the other room for you to do something......How did I do?

    Keep on keeping on!!!


  3. Brian,
    You are an inspiration! I am going to call about donating blood again. I used to do it but then I got lazy. I know it is important to keep doing it!
    Love ya, Mom Harter

  4. Thanks for the posts all!!! Keep em coming!!! It feels great to know that so many people are with us and supporting us on our journey.

    Also Good Point Sandy! Donate Blood if you can to your local blood center. The people that recieve it really appreciate it! Trust me I know! :)
