Sunday, June 6, 2010


I don't ever want to forget my battle with cancer. So I am going to keep a writen record of it on my website to remind me of what I have gone through both good and bad. It will stand as a constant reminder of how blessed I am. So lets start at the beginning and thanks for reading!

April Fools Day 2010 - I was waiting for a call from my Dr about an MRI that I had recently had done. We thought that the big lump under my right arm was a torn muscle from trying to itch my back in the middle of the night. It sounds funny now but that's really what we thought it was. I didn't have any pain in that area (and still don't, Thank God) so it was bizarre.
Lunch Hour - I was eating some left over veggie stir fry that Stacey had made for me the night earlier when my cell phone rang. It was my Dr. I went into the hallway and over the phone my Dr told me that I had Lymphoma. I didn't even know what it was but I knew that it was cancer. My heart dropped. I was scared and confused. I got off the phone and tried to call my wife Stacey who I knew was in class. She didn't answer, so I called her again. Finally I just emailed her ANSWER YOUR PHONE. On the third time she picked up and I told her that I had Lymphoma. She cried and I could tell that she was just as scared as I was.
The Car - I told my boss that I had a family emergency and that I had to leave for the day. She was fine with it. I got in my car and somehow drove the three miles over to meet Stacey at DMU. As I pulled up in the back of her school I could see her just standing there alone. We made eye contact and she cried again.
In The Car - She held my hand tight as we drove home and asked if I had cried. I hadn't. I was too scared. And I have trouble crying if Stacey is crying. I always think that I have to be the strong one if she is crying. She kept telling me that it was okay to cry but nothing came. I was still too scared.
At Home - We laid down together and just held each so tight. She kept telling me that it was okay to cry and that its good to get it out. She asked me what I was thinking and that's when I cried. I turned to her with tears in my eyes and I said that all I wanted was to be Normal. The tears poured out of me as I held my wife close.

All I could think about at that exact moment in time was how much I wanted to just be Normal and how many people in the world took their Normal everyday lives for granted.

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