Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Monday Everyone

I had a great weekend hanging out with my college friends at CJ and Sonja's wedding in Okoboji. We got there Friday night, checked in and headed out to eat and have some fun in downtown Okoboji. It was great to see Doudna, Jeffy, Jones, CJ, Sonja, Peter, Dan, Jacobs, Longner and Watts. It's always good to get to see people that you haven't seen for so long.

Saturday we got up and headed to a Sports Bar in Okoboji to cheer on our USA soccer teams as they played in the World Cup. They lost... It was disappointing but I am still very proud of our boys to make it past the group stage. Maybe in 2014 we won't have to play Ghana. (We have been knocked out the last two times by the Ghanaians) It was still fun and there were alot of US supporters there. GO YANKS!

The Wedding was beautiful because it was held outdoors overlooking the lake by this big beautiful oak tree. Kudos to CJ and Sonja for a beautiful ceremony and a fantastic reception. You guys did a wonderful job! Love you both! I had some troubles dancing because I have developed some large blisters on my feet. I did do a little bit of dancing but mainly I was just catching up with old friends at the reception.

Aren't weddings one of life pure joys. You get to see two people dedicate their lives to each other. What could possibly be more amazing than that? Plus I'm a big fan of the receptions! Dancing and Complementary drinks. Win Win!

I hope everyone has a fantastic Monday because I know I will.

Schedule today: Eat breakfast, go on a mile walk, watch the Dutch vs Slovakia game (Go Dutch!), nap, eat lunch, go on a mile walk, watch Brazil vs Chile (Go Chili!), go on another mile walk, eat supper, watch Cubbies and go to bed. Sounds like it might just be the perfect day in the hospital. And a great way to start my 4th round of Chemo! Only two treatments to go after this! Woo Woo!

God is Love ~ Rev Run

Brian Pritchard

Keep the comments coming! It gives me a boost everytime I hear from all of you!


  1. Great seeing you both this past weekend at CJ and Sonja's wedding! Glad you are takin everything in stride. Keep up the good fight and love that attitude man!

  2. Hi Brian,
    Thinking of you! Do you get to go outside any
    on your walks? This week is supposed to be beautiful!
    I just ate my lunch outside. Thought of you and
    wished I was there talking to ya!
    Miss ya.
    Aunt Rosie

  3. Hi! Wow, you'll soon have the 4th round under your belt. I imagine there will be a celebration happening when you finish that 6th one! However, you seem to celebrate life every day. I can just see God smiling down on you and Stacey, so delighted in you! Keep looking up! -The Treloars

  4. Brian-
    absolutely unreal how positive you are staying my man! you impress me like crazy and I love it! hope things are going well for you guys in dsm! things here in Chi town are great, almost got kicked in the you know where and punched by a patient today! no big deal just another day in the brain injury unit! Take care man!!!!

    Blake Reinke

    ps--how was the weather in Okoboji last weekend? my mom and dad live there and my mom said it was NOT good

  5. Thanks for the posts everybody. Keep the postive vibes coming. Also to answer Blake's question it was terrible. Luckily it cleared off in time for the outdoor wedding but during the reception their was a tornado warning so we all went to the basement of The Inn. We were down there for only about 20 minutes but it poured for like 4 hours. We had a blast though watching the storm on the covered patio of the reception hall!

    Brian Pritchard

  6. Brian, I just had a chance to catch up on the blogs and I really wanted to tell you that I am so proud to be related to you. We may be cousins by marriage (I think) but you sincerely are someone that I look up to you. I don't know you really at all but I genuinely look up to you and your strength. Your outlook on life is so refreshing and it makes me feel like there is hope in all things. I respect your ability to smile about everything you're going through. You are a tremendous person and I truly hope to meet you one day and see Stacey again after so long. Thank you for sharing your story with those of us who don't have the means to be there for you. I just hope you know that you're always in my thoughts, I have a wrist band that I wear every day in support of you. You truly are amazing and you and Stacey are so great together. Good luck in everything and you're always in my thoughts. <3 Big hugs!

    Chelsea Long

  7. Hi Brian,
    It was good to catch up with you on your blog. It is apparent the spirit is alive in You. Praise God that your are filled. Thinking of you and praying for peace and patience through this round of chemo. Glad to hear you had a good weekend and have such good friends! Sending encouragement, blessings and love,
    Cousin Jolane and Keith

  8. Brian,
    Think of you often enjoy reading your blog and knowing you are getting better, you sure are an Inspiration to many, I have so many good memories when you were in school, can wait to see you at Andrew's wedding specially now that we kow you love weddings.
    The whole Zieser family sends you love and blessings :)
    take care,
    Love Gloria Zieser

  9. As I said earlier, having you and Stace-face there made that much more special! Glad you had a good time with us! Did you get a koozie? If not let me know.

    ps. Did you watch the Orange (dutch) beat Brazil? I picked ze Germans to win it all and I'm lookin pretty good right now! Love ya buddy!
