Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Now Walk It Out

I have had much more energy so far during this round of Chemo. I think it is due to the fact that I have been walking a lot more on this round. I walked 3 miles yesterday and already have 2 miles in this morning. I am going to do at least 4 total today. You definitely see a trend with the people who get more exercise. It becomes easier to recover after your treatments. Staying in your hospital bed all day makes you weaker when you get out. It is my goal to go at least 3 miles everyday of my treatments.

Status Update: Yesterday I felt great after I got about 10 hours of sleep. I was pretty tired from a big fun weekend. Also on Friday the doctors said that they when they felt my arm pit region (where the softball sized cancer was) they could only feel muscle instead of a tumor!!! What great news!!! God is good!!! This doesn't mean that I am out of the woods or that the cancer is gone but it does mean that the Chemo treatments are going very good so far.

Also if you know anyone that is going through Chemo treatments, has just been diagnosed with cancer or could just use a pick me up. Feel free to pass this site on to anyone. If I can just help one person learn about Chemo treatments, Cancer or just what to expect than this blog has truly done its job. Thanks to everyone that has passed it along, helped create it, posted on it or just read it. Thank you all.

If you need a pick me up today here are the albums that I have been listening to on my IPOD: Bob Marley -Greatest Hits, The Beatles - Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, John Mayer - Continuum, Kings of Leon - Only By The Night, O.A.R. - Any Time Now and Jack Johnson - Brushfire Fairytales.

If you can think of anything that I should listen too while I'm doing my walks leave me a post and I will get it on ITunes. I love discovering new music!

Laugh Everyday!

Brian Pritchard

1 comment:

  1. Passion Pit- "Little Secrets", "The Reeling", and "Kingdom Come". They make me sing and dance wherever I am.
