Friday, June 11, 2010

Our 1st Weekend With Cancer

Early April - We had just found out that I had Lymphoma two days earlier and didn't know what to do. The biopsy that they did was at the Mayo Clinic so we didn't know what type of Lymphoma. There are two categories Lymphoma, Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's. Both types had their own treatment plans and curability rates. Do we tell our parents? Do we tell our friends? What should we tell people?

We decided to just wait to find out what type of Lymphoma it was before we told everyone about it. After all my wife and I needed time to wrap our heads around this situation before we freaked everyone out.

Stacey was amazing. We literally spent the entire weekend just appreciating each other and appreciating life. I am so blessed that I have my best friend as my spouse and can't express how that weekend and your love gave me strength.

It's funny how something that is seen as so dark and negative can breathe life and light into our lives.

We just waited for the results from Mayo...

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