Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Round 10 Starts In The Morning!

I am ready for round 10 and it starts in the morning. I am getting 2 new Chemo drugs starting tomorrow morning. I am feeling good mentally and physically and am ready to fight! We need all of your thoughts and prayers with us this week. We need to just find the right mix that can kill this cancer so that we can move on to the next steps in my treatment.

The hardest part about all of this is when we don't have a plan or we don't know what is going to happen next. That is why this has been a anxious and hectic week for us but we got through it because of the power of prayer and our faith. And now we have a new plan and are ready to move forward and see it through. I will do at least 2 rounds of this new Chemo and then I will have another Pet Scan to see how things are going.

Thank you so much for all of you who have been praying for us, sending cards or just keeping us in your thoughts. It really means a lot to Stacey and I and we can not thank you enough for your support. All of your love and support has been overwhelming! We are so blessed with amazing friends and family. We are humbled by your love.

Round 10 bring it on! God is Good!

Brian Pritchard


  1. Count on prayers from Gladbrook!
    "Pray for one another." James 5:16.
    Dear God, Please wrap your loving arms around Brian and
    Stacey and help them visualize the large circle of family/friends around them also. Amen.
    Close your eyes, and you'll see us all!
    Aunt Rosie

  2. You guys are incredible! I am thinking of the both of you all the time! New treatment tomorrow, new day, new fight! Go get em guys! Praying for you!

  3. Good luck tomorrow Brian! We've been thinking of you and Stacey all the time- your positive attitude and strength are so inspiring!!!


  4. Been thinking about u two a lot! Extra prayers, hugs, & love to u both! You should know that your blogs and fight have made me a better doctor. Everything is different when it's YOUR friends/family going thru CA/disease... hearing your stories, crying over your hardships, laughing with your unique perspectives, it's really made me take those extra minutes to explain things, hold a patient's hand, or just listen. Thank you!!!
    ~Resident Physician Lane

  5. So glad you can get started on new chemo today! We'll be praying. When I read the post above mine and see the ripple effect you & Stacey will have (on people you will never even know!) because you touched the life of one doctor, I see God's amazing work through you two! Bless you!
    Carol Treloar

  6. Praying for you! You will be this! Love your spirit and your wisdom but most of all love you! Mom Harter

  7. Brian and Stacey,

    With your truly inspirational ways, there isn't anyone out there that isn't pulling for you!

    We truly hope round 10 and 11 knock it out and you can be on your way to IC!

    You are amazing people!

    We will pray for you!


    Uncle Denny and Aunt Amy
