Friday, November 19, 2010

Round 11 Starts Today

I just got checked into the infusion center at Methodist Hospital to start my 11th round of Chemo. I am excited to get started on it. I like to get my treatments because it makes me feel like I am doing something to fight. I feel like I am actually killing the cancer. I imagine the Chemo going through my veins and killing the cancer.

I have been feeling ok over the past couple of weeks. A little bit tired and even a couple of headaches too. Working has kept me busy and its good to have the as a distraction from everything. We have been busy mailing bracelets to people from all over the country too. We are very blessed with so much support. Thank you all.

What's in store for today? I am getting my Chemo starting from 9:30 and going until at least 5:30 or 6. I thought I would make this post before they give me my benadryl because that knocks me out for a few hours. :) All is good and we pray that this Chemo kills lots and lots of cancer cells so that we can have a good Pet Scan on Dec 14th. Keep Praying and Keep the Faith because God is Good.

Go Hawks tomorrow!

Brian Pritchard

P.S. I will be on my laptop all day long checking the blog so feel free to drop me a post. It makes my day when I hear from all of you!!!


  1. Hi Brian - Glad you got the chemo started.
    Love you! We know this chemo will work!
    Take care. I'll write more later.
    Work @ theatre tonight. Movie is Social Networking.
    We'll be in DSM Sat. babysitting so call or text when
    you aren't sleeping.
    Aunt Rosie

    Thinking of you today, stay strong!
    Hope to see you guys soon.
    Go Hawks!

    Gar Gar Binx :)

  3. You are just the most awesome inspiration! Kick those little buggers to the curb!
    Hugs from Cali!

  4. Thing of you today and every day.
    You are such an inspiration to so many.
    Have a good day and may God provide you with the strength to rid the cancer of your body!


  5. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way! Cancer likes it's not gonna hang around in you! You are by far the most inspirational young man and woman I have ever had contact with! Keep the positive attitude! GOD is good and so are you guys!
    Love from VA...Uncle Denny and Aunt Amy

  6. BriGUY!!!!

    Been thinking about you and Stacey like crazy these past few weeks... lighting a candle almost every night for you guys.

    You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and can't wait to catch up with you both soon!

    Sending my love!

  7. It's a good day Brian. Praise God that you are able to start Round 11. Nothing better than going into a treatment ready to fight!!!
    Take care. Kevin and Sherri Squires

  8. Hope the day went well for you.
    Rest up. Watch football.

    Love you, Lindsay

  9. Hope everything went well yesterday buddy. Enjoy a relaxing weekend with some good football.

    - Quam

  10. Hey Brian and Stacey,
    Kendall told me she dropped off some dinner the other night. Wish I could do something to help out. If you think of anything I could do from 3 hours away, let me know :)

    You are in our thoughts and prayers...
    Mike Recker

  11. Hi Brian,
    Go Hawks!

    From Ryan

  12. Hi to all!

    I'm so sorry to have been out of touch this week. It's a busy time of the year and I anxiously await the passing of the holidays, too much going on in a short time frame.

    I hope your treatment went on as planned and in 1/2 hour I'll be rooting with all my might for a Hawkeye victory.

    Unfortunately a childhood friend lost his wife to cancer this week and The Stark family has weighed heavy on my mind. A 10 year battle for such a beautiful lady and it being God's plan can be so confusing and heart-wrenching!

    One must never ever give up, I shall continue to pray for only good news ahead for you Mr. Pritchard.

    I'm off to get comfy for the game. You are in my thoughts even when I may be silent for a few days.

    With much love,

    Cousin Bridgett

  13. Hi Brian and Stacey, Hope you are having a fun weekend hopefully resting and letting the chemo do its work. Just talked to your amazing mother this morning. She is so full of hope for both of us. Maybe I'll run into you in Iowa City sometime. I go down there a few times in December. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and know that we are keeping you in our prayers. Sue Sturtz also wants you to know that she thinks of you often. Love, Jay and Jo Ann Clausen

  14. Good Morning.
    Was good to have a chat with you yesterday. Your voice is so amazing for me to hear. We were sorry about the Hawks. They fought hard.
    We love you and pray for you.
    A lesson last week found me reading this: from Ephesians 5:20"And you will always give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." My translation says, Thank God, not for your problems but for the strength he is building in you through difficult experiences in your life. You can be sure that God's perfect love will see you through.
    Love you!
    Aunt Rosie
    PS So thankful Lindsay is a match! I knew she would be!!!
